SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Skin MD Lotion Review And ~~Giveaway~~

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Skin MD Lotion Review And ~~Giveaway~~

Shielding Lotion The New Revolutionary Concept in Skin Care
Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion was formulated after years of research into how the skin functions. It was found that the primary function of the outer layer of skin is to prevent irritants from penetrating into the body. Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion is a new type of skin care product that becomes part of the outer layer of skin to restore this natural function. It helps damaged skin by preventing moisture-robbing irritants from entering its deeper layers and helps reduce moisture loss.

"Your skin wasn't designed to deal with soap and the thousands of other everyday chemicals," explains Dr. Peter Helton, a board-certified dermatologist specializing in cosmetic dermatology. "Nearly everyone's skin is exposed to harmful chemicals on and off the job. That is why shielding lotions are so important."

Replace Your Regular Moisturizer With a Shielding Lotion
There are thousands of skin irritants in our modern environment that didn't exist even 50 years ago. These irritants can strip the protective barrier off your skin causing dry skin, eczema and other skin problems. These changes in our environment have brought about the need for a new type of dry skin care solution - a shielding lotion.

Shampoos, antibacterial soaps, cosmetics, fragrances, colorants and other irritants bombard and penetrate the skin. These harsh chemicals and irritants can break down the skin's natural protective ability. Some strip away moisture, while others lodge in the pores where they cause irritation and other negative reactions.

Unfortunately, conventional lotions have one basic goal - to simply make up for the moisture that our bodies are losing by adding an artificial source of moisture. Many common household products including soaps, are absorbed directly into the skin, causing dry cracked skin and other skin disorders. Also, when participating in other activities from gardening to painting, furniture restoration to fishing, or exposure to harsh weather, you are further drying and irritating your skin. Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion helps to break the dry skin cycle by restoring skin's natural moisture and protection.

"Regular moisturizers are designed to add moisture onto the skin. However, it does nothing to repair the barrier, so it's an endless cycle of constant moisture application onto the skin without healing and curing the dry skin. Many traditional moisturizers restore the moisture to the skin on a temporary basis, but after continued use actually send a message back to the skin saying it doesn't need any further moisture to be produced by the skin. This can cause the opposite condition where the skin is less hydrated than prior to using the moisturizers.

With the shielding lotion you get a thin layer, so it does not clog the pores. It allows skin to breathe and it is what we call 'non-comedogenic' – it won't promote acne. In addition, it also protects the skin while allowing it to breathe."

- Dr. Lisa Benest
Board Certified Dermatologist
Burbank, CA

Eco Friendly, Cruelty Free and Vegan Skin Care
Skin MD Natural and Skin MD Natural + SPF 15 are manufactured in the United States using 100% solar power, free of animal products and animal testing.

How And Why A Shielding Lotion Works
The Effects of Modern Life On Your Skin
The outer layer of skin is made up of dead skin cells, natural oils and lipids (fats). It is designed by nature to protect your deeper layers of skin from irritants and toxins. Once this protective layer is damaged it can allow irritants to penetrate your outer layer of skin, potentially causing dry skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies and many other less desirable skin and health problems. Dry itchy skin is nature's way of warning you that the protective elements of your outer layer of skin have been stripped away. A shielding lotion works with skin to restore and strengthen skin's natural barrier, helping to prevent toxins and irritants from damaging skin and robbing it of its moisture.

Every day your skin is bombarded by chemicals and irritants that strip away the skin's natural protective barrier. Most soaps and cleansers contain fragrances, colorants, antibacterial agents and many other ingredients that damage the skin's natural barrier. Daily use of these soaps and cleansers can greatly reduce your skin's natural ability to repel the thousands of irritants and toxins that are commonly found in the home and work place. Applying a shielding lotion will keep skin hydrated and protected against irritants that cause dry skin.

How Your Skin's Natural Ability To Protect and Hydrate
Can Be Restored With a Shielding Lotion
Have you ever started using a conventional lotion (artificial moisturizer) as a dry skin care treatment only to find that when you stopped using it your dry skin condition became worse, not better?

"By using a shielding lotion that bonds with the outer layer of your skin you can keep irritants out and moisture in. Most moisturizers do not seal in the body's own moisture, they artificially lubricate the outer layers of skin. When they wear off, the lubrication is gone and the original dryness remains. Sometimes this process will draw out the body's natural moisture and contribute to the skin's dehydration," writes Dr. Peter Helton, a board-certified dermatologist specializing in cosmetic dermatology.

"A conventional lotion is not formulated to protect the skin like a shielding lotion does. Conventional lotions only add surface moisture to temporarily alleviate the dryness or itching. Shielding lotions are an effective dry-skin treatment because they bond with the skin and protect it for long periods of time. With this protection in place your skin keeps its own moisture in and has a chance to use this natural moisture in the deep layers of the skin to heal itself," states Dr. Lisa Benest, a board certified dermatologist of Burbank, CA.

"The secret to resolving dry skin is not only having enough moisture, but also having that moisture located where it can actually resolve a dry skin condition. The use of artificial moisturizers (conventional lotions) only mask dry skin symptoms, which can result in more dry skin. A shielding lotion protects your skin, allowing your own natural moisture to heal the skin," states Dr.Helton.

Skin MD Natural utilizes the latest developments in skin care technology as well as the most effective natural ingredients to restore your outer layer of skin's natural ability to protect against dangerous toxins and irritants as well as to reduce the loss of natural oils and moisture. A shielding lotion replaces the barrier that's stripped away with the daily use of most soaps and cleansers.

I was sent a bottle of Skin MD Natural Lotion to try.

As you all know, I am a Mail Carrier and am in all sorts of different weather conditions that take a huge toll on my hands.

During the winter especially, my hands are so badly cracked, that they bleed constantly.

Boy do they hurt too!!!

I had heard a lot of great things about Skin MD but hadn't had a chance to try it.

For the last couple weeks, I have been using it constantly.

It has helped big time. It took a couple days to clear up my hands, but now it prevents the cracking.

I love the smell, and how the lotion feels on my hands.

The price is a little high ($18 a bottle) but if it keeps my hands baby smooth, then I will spend the money!!!

I am very happy to be able to give one of you, your very own bottle to try as well.

Entering this giveaway is very easy

Mandatory Entry-

1. Become a Facebook Fan of Skin MD (please comment that Sarahs Blog Of Fun sent you). (+1 entry)

Extra Entries-

1. Be a Follower of my Blog
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2. Become a fan of my blogs new Facebook Page (+1 entry)

3. Grab my button and tell me where it is (+2 entries)

4. Be an email subscriber of my blog (+2 entries)

5. Follow me on Twitter and/or follow Skin MD on Twitter (+1 entry each)

6. Tweet about this giveaway (+1 entry daily)

Example- Heal Your Skin @SarahsBlogOfFun

7. Blog about this giveaway and leave link in your comments (+10 entries per post, once a day)

8. Vote for me Can be done daily (+1 entry per day)

9. Like Evervue on Facebook, and comment that Sarahs Blog Of Fun sent you (+1 entry)

10. Get your friends to like Evervue, and have them comment that you sent them, and you will get 5 extra entries!! The amount of entries you can get is unlimited!! (+5 entries per friend)

11. Like my application to receive a Blog Grant (+2 entries)

Giveaway ends on March 22, 2011 at 11:59pm. Open to my US and Canada readers only. A valid email address MUST be in ALL comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn.

This giveaway was made possible by Sarah's Blog Of Fun.

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given the lotion listed above for my review thanks to Skin MD*


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Thank you for the chance :)

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3/21 Blog Post #10

Thanks so much for the chance!

This lotion has been the only stuff that helps my elbows and knees--I'd love to win a bottle because it is very pricey! But it is worth it!

robynl said...

You have just voted for Sarah's Blog Of Fun 03/22/11


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Karla S said...

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