Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just For Fun

I have held onto this for awhile, meaning to post it for Make Me Laugh Monday, but I keep forgetting.

Now is as good a time as any!!

This is what sorry looks like

This is what tired looks like

This is what bad spelling looks like

This is what intimacy looks like

This is what "I can wait" looks like

This is what "Oh darn" looks like

This is what courage looks like

This is what helping hands looks like

This is what impatience looks like

This is what "Don't mess with me" looks like


Ellz said...

Too cute, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! Who doesn't love cute animal pics??

Jade Rahl said...

Loooove the helping hands. Too cute!

cheryl c said...

I loved these! :-)

doreen lamoureux said... made my day. :)

Kelsey Apley said...

Blog Hopping!! I am your Newest GFC Follower! IF you get a chance I would love for you to come follow my blog :-)
ChicnSavvy Reviews

Anonymous said...

Cute, I love it! Following back from Mommy's Peanut Gallery :)

My Fitness World said...

OMG I love these photos. I'm following you back. I love your blog!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the background!!!!

Renee said...

Love these! Thanks for following me at Doorkeeper, Sarah. I'm following back!

Anonymous said...

Cute blog! Thanks for following, following you back :-)

Unknown said...

girl, this made me laugh! Thanks for finding and visiting me, following you back!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh!

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