OK if you haven't guessed it yet, I am an Edward Cullen Fan!!! Jacob is a nice guy and all, but I have always routed for Edward.After doing some research, I found a couple of old Robert Pattinson interviews before the first Twilight Movie came out. I found them quite funny!! At least over the last two years, he has gotten a little older and he speaks a little better!!
This first interview is courtesy of Canada.com
"Chances are someone in your life is in love with Edward Cullen. It may be your daughter. It could be your tween niece. Perhaps it's your 50-something coworker. It seems women of all ages are besotted by the fictional hero of Stephenie Meyer's blockbuster young adult book series, which makes the leap to the big screen this Friday when Twilight opens in theatres.
Not that Edward is your typical teen movie hero. As a 107-year-old vampire, he's unfailingly polite, resolutely chaste and the picture of chiseled perfection. But in his quest to woo Bella Swan, an ordinary teenage girl, Edward also exhibits a dark side rarely seen in films aimed at the under-18 set. He can be jealous and moody, he sneaks into her room at night to watch her sleep and, oh yeah, he's constantly fighting his nearly irresistible urge to drain her blood. In other words, he's no Zac Efron.
"No one seems to see that," says 22-year-old British actor Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward in the film. "If Edward was not a fictional character and you just met him in reality, you know, he's one of those guys who'd be like an axe murderer. He's ultra-polite and really formal all the time and like, 'Let me open the door! Let me carry the bags!'"
Pattinson shakes his head, adding with a laugh, "Literally, you can just tell he'd freak out one day and shoot someone."
While the actor is surprised by teen girls' idolization of his character, he's downright bewildered when it comes to their obsession with him. Almost overnight, the lanky actor has gone from being known only for playing a minor character in the Harry Potter films to Hollywood's hottest heartthrob. Though his co-star, Kristen Stewart, is getting some attention for her role as Bella, most of the Twilight fan frenzy has landed squarely on Pattinson's reluctant shoulders. Last week, an autograph signing at a San Francisco mall was cancelled when the out-of-control crowd left at least one youngster bruised and bloodied, while a recent cast appearance at MuchMusic quickly dissolved into fandemonium, with Pattinson's soft-spoken answers drowned out by the high-pitched sequels of 2000 girls, some of whom camped out for two days just to catch a glimpse of him.
"I don't really process it; I just accept it," he admits from the safe confines of a downtown Toronto hotel hours before the MuchMusic mayhem. "Well, now I do. Before I used to get all overwhelmed and kind of like emotional about it and everything and now I'm just like, I just have a very strange job where I just get put on a plane, sent to somewhere and everyone screams and then I go somewhere else and do it again."
That's not to say he's fully comfortable with his new status as a teen pinup. He readily admits to being astounded at landing the role of Edward – who Meyer describes in the book as "devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful" – and claims he's too self-conscious to watch himself on film. He's especially mortified by the thought of seeing Twilight's pivotal romance scene, in which Edward reveals his immortal secret to Bella by stepping out from the shadows into a sun-drenched meadow to expose his inhuman, sparkly skin.
"That whole scene...just having to take your shirt off for a guy when you're not exactly like a gym bunny, especially when you're supposed to be, it was one of the most embarrassing days of my life," he admits with a cringe, raking his fingers through his trademark messy hair. "So I don't want to see it. Unless I'm just literally like, you can't even recognize me as a human, then I don't want to see it."
It's that kind of self-deprecating shyness that makes it easy to understand the attraction he holds for teenage girls. But it's Pattinson's insistence on adding depth and layers to the source material – which, no offense to Meyer, is a highly entertaining series that amounts to little more than literary junk food – that is casting a spell on older fans. Much has been made about his clash with the movie studio over his desire to play Edward as a manic depressive, and he openly talks about his determination to steer the film out of fairy tale territory ("I tried to make the end of this more ambivalent but I think people wanted more of a happy ending"). Pattinson admits that he even locked horns with the author herself when they first began discussing his approach to the character.
"[Stephenie] was saying that he was happier than I thought he was and he enjoyed certain aspects of his supernatural abilities, and I just thought he wouldn't at all," he explains. "I was just thinking how much, if I was in his position, I'd just think 'Wow, I can jump really high. Great. But I have to kill people in return.' But you know, I can see where she was coming from. It's her creation at the end of the day."
It will be interesting to see how Pattinson's commitment to his character's integrity will come into play if the film spawns sequels (which, judging by Twilight's brisk ticket pre-sales and inescapable media hype, is almost a sure thing). In the next book in the series, New Moon, Edward (spoiler alert!) leaves Bella a few chapters in, and doesn't return until near the end. But will the studio – knowing they have in Pattinson teen girl catnip – allow his character to disappear for more than half of the film, or will New Moon be re-jigged to give the audience a glimpse at what Edward was up to on his world travels?
"Oh no, I hope not. I really, really hope not," Pattinson says with a shudder. "That re-entrance scene, the comeback scene could be really amazing if they just left it the whole time. I haven't seen the new script, but that'd be silly if they put in little vignettes [about Edward's whereabouts]."
A Twilight sequel that doesn't prominently feature Edward Cullen and/or Robert Pattinson? Now that'll give the girls something to scream about."
This second interview is from Fandango.com"Robert Pattinson stars as vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight.
If he isn't already, Robert Pattinson will soon be a household name. The young British actor stars as the beautiful yet conflicted 107-year-old vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight, with Kristen Stewart as the 17-year-old mortal (Bella Swan) with whom he unexpectedly embarks on a dangerous, passionate love affair. For anyone living under a rock, the film version of Twilight is based on the first of Stephenie Meyer’s immensely popular vampire novels, which have sold an estimated 17 million copies worldwide since 2005.
Just as they did when the Harry Potter novels were brought to the big screen, fans have been weighing in every step of the way. At first, there was criticism and resistance to Pattinson playing the lead role in the movie, directed by Thirteen’s Catherine Hardwicke. Now, it would be an understatement to say fans are smitten, and that some even want to be bitten by him—literally.
In the days before the film premiered, the 22-year-old Pattinson—previously best known for his role as Cedric Diggory in two of the Potter films—sat down with Fandango to dish about the challenges of his breakout role, his on-screen relationship with Stewart, his passion for music and his already infamous head of hair.
Fandango:You’re voted the “sexiest vampire” on Fandango. What do you think it is that makes Edward so appealing?
Pattinson: I really can't tell you, but maybe because it’s modern. I'm kind of figuring it out myself. I'm sure they said Brad Pitt was the sexiest vampire when he did [1994’s] Interview with the Vampire.
Fandango: What were some of the things that helped you immerse yourself in the role of Edward?
Pattinson: I was alone for a very long time. I went to Oregon before anyone else, about 2-1/2 months before, and just didn't talk to anyone. I worked with a trainer every day and went running, but I tried not to speak to anyone. So when the cast came...well, have you ever tried not speaking to anyone for weeks...the first person you talk to, the conversation is kind of strange. I spent a lot of time just reading the script and the books. I just wanted to make sure I knew as much about the character as possible.
Fandango: How would you describe the dynamic between Edward and Bella?
Pattinson: It's very kind of operatic. It's like a relationship straight out of a melodrama. You have two people who think that they'll die, or one of them will die, just by being together or that something terrible will happen, so it’s just a complete melodrama. I mean, the way me and Kristen interpreted it is, Edward was this kind of demigod who's very reluctant. That’s played against the needs of this normal 17-year-old girl who thinks he is some perfect being, but he's really just a guy who doesn't really have a meaning to his existence.
Fandango: Girls are going absolutely nuts over you and the character. What’s the weirdest fan request you’ve gotten? Anything that freaked you out?
Pattinson: The weirdest was when I was in New York a few days ago at this event. A seven-year-old girl came up on the stage asked me to bite her and not even in a jokey way--she was serious--in a longing way! It made me think, “You don't know what you're asking. That would get me arrested.” That was very, very odd.
Fandango: Fans go crazy about your hair. Do you like it long or are you just dying to cut it?
Pattinson: I haven't changed my hair for, like, years. I've never really had a specific look in mind. It is what it is… [laughs.] I don't really style my hair. It's so funny, a friend of mine from London came over and said, “Why is everyone going on about your hair all the time?” Everyone has hair like that in London. And around the world you see people with hair like that, so I don't see it being different at all. As soon as people started saying “that's his trademark” I thought I should shave my head as his trademark. I'm trying to convince them to shave my head for the second movie.
Fandango: Seriously?
Pattinson: Yeah. [laughs]
Fandango: What do you think about Edward’s look with the topaz contacts and pale skin?
Pattinson: I have very sensitive eyes, so it took like 20 minutes to get in the contacts every single day. People said you get used to it after awhile, but after 3- 1/2 months, it never, ever got better. It also limits you… it’s like you have these masks on your eyes which take away the life from them, which is very frustrating sometimes. You just have to be shot and look like you're expressionless.
Fandango: What was it like for you to have supernatural powers, and to do the flying scenes?
Pattinson: It makes it harder to relate to an audience. For the big stunts, if I could jump 5,000 feet, why would I walk? It makes playing the actual character very difficult. I don't know why, but I went into it not thinking about the stunts or that it was a vampire film, but about the drama.
Fandango: Tell us about the piano song you composed for Twilight.
Pattinson: I did a scene where I played a thing that I made up. It was the best piano piece I've ever done in my life but it didn't really fit. In the end, as part of the whole score, it is very different than what I came up with. The song on the soundtrack, “Never Think”—my best friend who taught me how to play the guitar wrote the lyrics for it last year and I made it into a song, and the other one (“Let Me Sign”) me and another guy wrote. They weren’t meant for the movie, but Catherine heard them and put them in the cut, and I didn't know they would be on the soundtrack. I had thought it would be quite cool to have it be a secret thing and not have my name in the credits. Like a marketing gimmick. It was nice, and also helped my friends as well.
Fandango: If you had a chance to collaborate with any music artist, who would it be?
Pattinson: I saw Van Morrison last night at the Hollywood Bowl. I've seen him five times before and he really pulled it out of the bag. He played like it was 30 years ago. I would love to do something with him now. He was my inspiration for doing music in the first place. Yes, he's still got it. He played the entirety of his album Astral Weeks. The whole thing was unbelievable. He was just as free as he was when he was younger, which was amazing.
Fandango: Are you signed on to the other films, and which would be your favorite book to film?
Pattinson: I don't know what the specifics are. I went into it thinking it was going to be a trilogy. I think everything is dependent on how it does on November 21. Hopefully they'll do the second one and that’s the one I liked most out of the series"