SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Woobies Cookies Review And ~Giveaway~~

Monday, July 11, 2011

Woobies Cookies Review And ~Giveaway~~

What is a Woobie?

That is a very good question. Did you try looking it up in the dictionary or searching for it with Google? You'll only find it in unofficial reference sites, and you'll get hits for other products that have the name Woobie in them, but if you've ever had or knew someone who had a security blanket or stuffed animal as a child and that item was soft, snuggly, comforting and provided a very real sense of security, and that thing was loved more than anything, then you know what a Woobie is. In fact, the first popular reference to a Woobie was in Michael Keaton's 1983 film, "Mr. Mom." Today, Woobie also refers to favorite people, like The Woobie - who created these amazingly delicious, you-can't-eat-just-one Woobiedoodle cookies! Heck, even YOU can be a Woobie. Maybe you already are. If you want to be an official Woobie, you can do that here, and we'll even send you a t-shirt that says so when we decide on a design and such.
Who is The Woobie?

Yet another excellent question! It's very important to know who's making your cookies. They may taste fabulous, but you also want to know that you're giving your business to people who put love into every bite you take. So, The Woobie is Natasha, the mastermind behind the creation of the Woobiedoodle. She is a public school teacher by day, a baker and writer by... well... the rest of the day. No wonder she has two other jobs, right? Ahem... Natasha is a rather tall woman who is huggable and comforting to everyone who knows her. She is also a true source of security for her family. Hence, she is The Woobie. Natasha has always loved to make gifts for people, and when she came up with the Woobiedoodle, she and her baker-in-crime Marni, knew that everyone would love to get them: lots of them. Soon, Marni, who is also known around here as Foofie (named for what happens to her thick hair on dry days), began using her own love for cooking and developed three super addictive fillings for the Woobiedoodles.
Now, The Woobie and Foofie are not the only people pouring their love into Woobie's Cookies. This is a family business... REALLY. There are three generations working here (including the young children who are the taste testers and kitchen helpers when experimenting with new flavors at home), as well as very dear friends who are just like family! You see, our name - Woobie's Cookies - is so very appropriate. While our cookies are of gourmet, artisan quality, you know that when you eat a regular or stuffed Woobiedoodle, you are getting a bit of our family's love!

Are Woobiedoodles Really 100% Organic?

You know, we had an issue with this not too long ago. You see, baking soda and salt can not be certified as organic according to the regulations set forth by the FDA. Yet, these two ingredients are in our cookies! As for the other ingredients are certified organic. We'd be happy to send you information about our vendors. But baking soda and salt? The problem is that these two things are INORGANIC: they're not alive or never were. Aha! We found a way around this problem. We found Celtic Sea Salt, which is imported from Europe: France, in fact. Lucky for us the French have certification regulations for inorganic products as organic. It's all about how the salt is extracted from the sea. Machines can't be used, for example; instead, collection is done with rakes so the salt can be taken with little or no disturbance of the environment. The baking soda was another issue entirely. Suppliers of "certified organic" baking soda claimed certification from organizations we could not verify or charged an extraordinary amount of money for their products. So, we went to a company whose reputation for producing high quality, certified organic baking products is unquestioned. We spoke at length with Bob's Red Mill and they happily supplied us with production specifications for their baking soda. Essentially, their production process does actually satisfy the regulations of the FDA. They also would satisfy the regulations of N&P, the French certification unit. Because the US won't certify inorganic products (doesn't really make sense to, since they're not organic in nature), they CAN'T receive the certification.
Here's the real kicker, though. We are so confident in the humane, environmentally conscious production of these two inorganic products that we plan to seek a Certified Organic status in the near future. How's that for proof?
Why Are Woobie's Cookies "Artisan"?

For one thing, an artisan is a craftsperson who makes handcrafted goods. Since we as bakers make all of our cookies by hand, we are artisans. Since the cookies themselves are handmade, they are artisan cookies. Perhaps one day when all of you wonderful people who love our cookies have made us so successful that we could not possibly hire enough people to handle demand, we might not be able to continue to call them or us artisan. Some kind of machine, besides the oven and mixer, of course, might have to be created in order to fulfill our crafting needs quickly. But for now, everything except the baking of the cookies and the mixing of the dough are done by hand. And let me tell you, taking off the tops and then putting them back on nicely after stuffing the cookies is quite labor-intensive! Oh, that brings me to my other point about why we have artisan cookies. Another definition is that the product is made in limited quantities. Right now, that is very true! We would number the cookies for you like one would a limited edition painting or Hotwheels car, but you would eat them anyway and then where would your proof be that you had cookie numbers 10-23 of a batch of 450?

I was sent the Large assortment of Woobies, and all I can say is oh my they are YUMMY!!

I received 4 of each of the different Woobie flavors (Original, Cinnamon Vanila, Cocoa Ganache and Caramel Brulee)

Each cookie is fresh, soft and oh so good. 

My personal favorite was the Caramel Brulee. 

I didn't want to share, but I let Ben have some too!!  His favorite was the Caramel Brulee one as well.

It has a moist center of caramel in the cookie. 

The Cinnamon Vanilla and Original are also very good.

The Cocoa Ganache is good too, but it was a little too chocolate taste for me.

The packaging was nice because it has two cookies per bag.  That way you don't have to eat them all at once (all though we did lol)

If you are looking for a new fun treat, give Woobies a try.  You will love them!!

Natasha has been extremely generous to offer two of you a small assortment (2 of each cookie!!)

Entering the giveaway is really easy-

1. Be a Follower of my Blog and tell me what flavor you are most interested in trying!!!

(Pretty easy huh!!)

Extra Entries-

2. Become a fan of my blogs Facebook Page(+2 entries)

3. Grab my button and tell me where it is (+2 entries)

4. Be an email subscriber of my blog (+2 entries)

5. Follow me on Twitter (+2 entries)

6. Tweet about this giveaway (+1 entry daily)

Example- Woobies Cookies Giveaway @SarahsBlogOfFun

7. Blog about this giveaway and leave link in your comments (+10 entries per post, once a day)

8. Vote for me
Can be done daily (+1 entry per day)

9. Like Evervue on Facebook, and comment that Sarahs Blog Of Fun sent you (+10 entries)

Like Entryvue on Facebook and comment that Sarahs Blog Of Fun sent you (+10 entries)

Giveaway ends on July 25, 2011 at 11:59pm. Open to US Readers Only.

A valid email address MUST be in ALL comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn. This giveaway was made possible by Woobies Cookies.

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given the cookies above for my review*


Tamara B. said...

Follower GFC
Their Cocoa Ganache sounds delicious

Tamara B. said...

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Jackie said...

I follow via gfc.
I'd love to try the Caramel Brulee.
jackievillano at gmail dot com

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

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jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/12

debbie said...

I think the caramel brulee sounds good.

debbie said...

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fdigsby said...

gfc follower
would love to try the cinnamon vanilla

fdigsby said...


Connie Black said...

GFC follower.
I would love to try the cinnamon vanilla.
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Connie Black said...

like you on fb: connie cawthern black
epblack at zoominternet dot net
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Connie Black said...

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Connie Black said...

epblack at zoominternet dot net

Connie Black said...

voted for you on Picket Fences
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/13

Jackie said...

voted Picket Fence Blogs 7/13
jackievillano at gmail dot com

jakiesmom said...

i'd like cinnamon vanilla
gfc nannypanpan

nannypanpan at

jakiesmom said...

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nannypanpan at

jakiesmom said...


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Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/14
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

I voted We're On The Fence 7/14

Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC – manthas24 and think the Cinnamon Vanilla looks tasty

Unknown said...

2 I follow you on twitter @manthas24

Unknown said...


Jill K. said...

I'm a GFC follower. I would love to try the Cocoa Ganache.

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Tamara B. said...

I voted We're On The Fence 7/15

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/15
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
eblack at zoominternet dot net

Connie Black said...

voted for you on Picket Fences
epblack at zoominternet dot net

jakiesmom said...

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nannypanpan at

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs today 7/16
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/16

jakiesmom said...

voted on the fence
nannypanpan at

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/17
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

I voted We're On The Fence 7/17

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/18
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/18
jackievillano at gmail dot com

jakiesmom said...

voted on the fence
nannypanpan at

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/18

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/19
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

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Tamara B. said...

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Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/21
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/21

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/22
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/22

Jackie said...

voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/23
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/23

Jackie said...

I voted on Picket Fence Blogs today 7/24
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/24

jakiesmom said...

voted on the fence
nannypanpan at

Jackie said...

Voted on Picket Fence Blogs 7/25
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

Voted We're On The Fence 7/25

Connie Black said...

Daily tweet:
epblack at zoominternet dot net

Tylerpants said...

I'm a GFC follower. The Caramel Brulee Woobiedoodle looks delicious! tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

I'm a fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at) #1

Tylerpants said...

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Tylerpants said...

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Tylerpants said...

Voted @ Picket Fence Blogs. tylerpants(at)

trixx said...

I follow your blog. The Cocoa Ganache Woobiedoodle sounds yummy

trixx said...

2 I subscribe by email.

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