SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Dan Knights Journey Book Review

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dan Knights Journey Book Review

Author Edward Smith's suspense thriller, Dan Knight's Journey introduces the reader to a man that struggles with leading a life of crime versus a life of doing good.

Danny growing up poor in Manhattan, attends a tough West Side high school where he is recruited by Robert, a master thief, to assist him in a series of daring robberies, which ends in the perfectly planned theft of a movie star's jewels. Betrayed by his evil mentor, Danny fights back, with the help of two friends, striving to regain his self respect and a piece of the American dream.

Years later, as a young man, Dan gains a foothold in the high pressure world of the advertising business. Taking on the agency's most difficult client, a glamorous representative of a French perfume and cologne company, he seizes the opportunity to vault over others and reap enormous rewards. His personal life sizzles as he romances two beautiful women.

At the apex of his meteoric career, he finds his life threatened by a long forgotten enemy. Using the skills he developed in his hardscrabble youth, he attempts to fight off the specter of blackmail and possible death.

About the book:
Dan Knight's Journey by Edward Smith
ISBN: 978-1439257586
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
Date of publish: Dec 29, 2009
Pages: 342
S.R.P.: $15.99

About the author:
Edward F. Smith is a former business executive, now an active writer and a reviewer of new fiction. Born and raised in Manhattan he attended the High School of Commerce and Pace College. He is currently at work on a new novel.

I found this book to be a little slow, but a good read none the less.

It starts out with Dan as a young kid. His parents split and he moves around a couple times.

He meets some friends who have some interesting families!!!

The story goes on to explain how Dan grows up, and the challenges he faces as he gets older with girls, money and his family.

Some of the adventures he has are quite funny.

There is one big Hotel caper that I found to be very well written.

The ending is also a big surprise. I did not see it coming!!!

If you like to read about mobsters, crime, and unusual love stories, this book is for you!!

I give it 4 out of 5 stars!!

**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given a copy of the book for my review**

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