Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yeah, I like how Michael and Louie got help from a mail carrier (we are all soooo smart!!!)

Jet and Cord are funny!!! So excited over $20!!

Holy cow the WW2 challenge seems really hard!! Where's Snoopy and the Red Baron??

I dont like the U-turn option, but I am glad Joe and Heidi got it. I didn't like them a couple weeks ago when they cheated by saving a place in line for Carol and Brandy at the airport.

Jordan and Jeff continue to need serious help!!!

Carol and Brandy complain ALOT!!

They really made the teams work today. Playing in the dirt, and then riding bikes for 4 miles!!

Michael and Louie came in first again!!

Awesome prize again. They each got a 55" HDTV!!! I want one!!!

Jordan and Jeff's speed bump really wasnt that bad.

Oh poor Brent and Caite. Having to go back because they didn't pick up a clue. Ouch that hurts!

I cant believe Joe and Heidi just gave up and didnt move. I would have walked from the challenge and taken the penelty. They might still have been in the race!!

So on that note I have to say goodbye to ASHLEY E. Thank you for playing!!

1. Brent and Caite- Taken by Ware Family
2. Carol and Brandy- Taken by Surge
3. Dana and Adrian-Taken by Marci
4. Jet and Cord- Taken by Mavericks Mommy
5. Jody and Shannon- Taken by Celestia
6. Joe and Heidi- Taken by Ashley E
7. Dan and Jordan- Taken by Bethany
8. Jordan and Jeff- Taken by Amy
9. Louie and Michael- Taken by April
10. Monique and Shawne- Taken by Lavender Daisy
11. Steve and Allison- Taken by Vittoria


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