**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was compensated for this post.**
With Mother's Day fast approaching, I know I am trying to find the perfect gift for my Mother and Mother in Law. It gets tougher every year. Unless they specifically ask for something, I never know what to get!!
One thing I know they love, and so do I (hint hint Husband and Kids!!) is receiving a beautiful flower arrangement. I am a huge carnation fan personally. They last a really long time, and there are so many pretty colors now!!
Teleflora has some gorgeous Mother's Day flower arrangements that every Mom is sure to love. Here are just a few of my favorites!!
Teleflora's Enchanted Garden Bouquet
Teleflora's Enchanted Cottage
Smile And Shine Bouquet by Teleflora
I really love the Smile and Shine Bouquet, and I am hoping that someone loves me enough to get me one (again hint, hint!! lol)
Right now is the perfect time to order from Teleflora. They are offering all of you 20% off!! Just use promo code BLOGSWX. There are many different bouquets to choose from, and the best part is that the code is good until October 16th. You can get Mom the perfect arrangement now, and then you can get her another one later on (think birthdays!!)
They are also running a terrific promotion where not only do you give Mom beautiful flowers, but you can also send her on a fun spa day!! Choose between a $25, $50 or $100 Spafinder e-gift card to go along with roses and a keepsake vase!! You can see all the details here.
The good folks at Teleflora have one more trick up their sleeve. They are giving one lucky reader a $75 gift card to use. How terrific is that!!!
Enter using the rafflecopter below and good luck!!
This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England. This post may contain affiliate links.
I like the Teleflora's Everything Rosy Gift Bouquet
I like the butterfly serenity bouquet.
I'd love the Country Basket Blooms!
I like the
Teleflora's Butterfly Serenity Bouquet
The How Sweet it is arrangement is beautiful.
My favorite arrangement is Teleflora's Pink Bliss Bouquet
I love the Pink Bliss Bouquet!
I like the enchanted garden bouquet. My grandma likes butterflies and purple, so this is perfect.
I like the enchanted garden bouquet. My grandma likes butterflies and purple, so this is perfect.
I like the Teleflora's Butterfly Serenity Bouquet. Beautiful! Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
I like Perfect Peonies.
I really like the Full Of Love Bouquet.
The Pink Bliss Bouquet is gorgeous! I would love to send it to my mom since she's in another state. :(
I love Turn up the Pink!
Visited the site and I really like the Country Basket Blooms Flowers arrangement.
I like sweet as sugar
I love the blushing lilies!
Trisha burgess
I like the Spring Has Sprung Mixed Basket.
I like Teleflora's Butterfly Serenity Bouquet
I'd get the Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora bouquet
Oh my favorite is the Teleflora's Butterfly Serenity Bouquet! So pretty and I really love the vase!
My favorite is the Fashionista Blooms
The Butterfly Serenity Bouquet caught my eye...but it's really hard to choose! - Anne Sweden
i like the How Sweet It Is bouquet.
I think the So Pretty Bouquet is exactly what my mother would want. The bright yellow and white flowers are a great reminder that spring is finally here.
I had to delete my Youtube account name which I submitted on the rafflecopter (2dogs5catscrew)
It was giving me trouble.
I follow you on my new channel as Amy Orvin
Thank You for understanding.
I would love to have the Teleflora's Pink Bliss Bouquet
I like the Teleflora's Pink Bliss Bouquet
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
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