SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: National Coffee Day And A Keurig Platinum Coffee Maker ~~Giveaway~~

Saturday, September 29, 2012

National Coffee Day And A Keurig Platinum Coffee Maker ~~Giveaway~~

Today is National Coffee Day!!!  All week the great folks at McDonald's have been giving patrons free cups of coffee!!  The fun still continues today, so if you are on the eastern seaboard, make sure you swing by and get your cup!!

Another awesome way to celebrate National Coffee Day is by giving away some coffee and a Keurig Coffee Maker!!!

Thanks to my friends at McDonald's I am able to give one lucky reader a Keurig Platinum.  This is the top of the line!!!  

Enter below, and don't forget to celebrate an awesome day!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England.


vicjbr said...

love newmans for a quick coffee fix :)

FrangiePani said...

I have not tried any Newman's Coffees

FrangiePani said...

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FrangiePani said...

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BethElderton said...

I have not yet tried Newman's at McDonalds, but I love Newman's and McDonald's is a favorite place for coffee when we travel, so...I will.
bethelderton59 at gmai dot com

katsrus said...

Have not tried his coffee at McDonalds yet. I bet it tastes good though.
Sue B

Darlene said...

No I have not tried it.

Jackie said...

I haven't tried it...but would love to!
Thank you!

cjabdelnour said...

I have not tried it YET, but will. Cheryl Abdelnour

Ally said...

I haven't tried the Newman's Own at McDonald's.

latanya t said...

I have not tried it yet.

latanya t said...

I have your button

scottsgal said...

I've never tried newman's coffee

apple blossom said...

never tried Newmans coffee

apple blossom said...

button on side bar

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried their coffee yet.

Amanda Sakovitz on rafflecopter

Kim said...

No, I haven't tried it, my hubby has and he likes it.

sash said...

I have not tried it...sounds good!

ann said...

I didnt know they sold it there

debijackson said...

I loved it
debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Andrea said...

Yes - love it!

Carmen said...

I have not, but I do stop for coffee every once in a while so look forward to trying it soon :) Thanks!

Ellen C. said...

I like their hot coffee. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Michelle said...

I really liked it! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

Dee said...

I have tried it and think it tasted good! :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Deb K said...

No-I have not tired it yet,but I am going now :-)

Donna George said...

I've had McDonald's coffee, but not sure if it was Newman's Own

Serena said...

I have not tried it yet.

Paul L said...

Didn't know the Newman brand was involved. Will try it out next time I'm there.

debbie said...

Yes, it is really good.

Realia Mazing said...

yes its very tasty!
daniellex at gmail dot com

Olivia R said...

yeah, it s a a strong cup at a normal price. Its just good coffee

Alyshia said...

Yes and its wonderful!

susitravl said...

Have not tried it yet - will have to heard over there tomorrow on my way to work!

jakiesmom said...

love it, just had one tonight

cheryl c said...

no, not YET :-)

Unknown said...

Nope I have never tried it.
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

Sarah Hall said...

I have not tried it yet but will look forward to getting some soon.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I have not tried it yet

Michele said...

I love it!
shermie40 at yahoo dot com

Candace M. said...

I have not tried the newman's coffe yet.

Lisa R said...

newmans is pretty good

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

eleanor q said...

I haven't tried it yet, but I look for it the next time I go there.

rebecca11111 said...

I have not yet tried Newman's at McDonalds, but I love Newman's

Stephanie said...

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. We are going to visit family in California soon though, and I'm sure on the road trip we'll stop by so I'll try it then!

LilyBiscuit said...

Yes, I have tried it, sooo good. I now love McD's coffee :)
vac 924 at gmail dot com

LisaSmith said...

I have not tried it, I don't think its available in my area yet, but i will be asking about it on my next visit to McDonalds because I LOVE ALL COFFEE!!!

LisaSmith said...

I have tried several times to follow your blog, but for some reason, it keeps saying ...We're sorry...
We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later.
So i will cancel and not enter for that entry and i will try again later

Mippy said...

I have not tried Newman's own coffee at McD's yet

Amy W. said...

I entered the Button on Blog entry instead of the Boosted entry by mistake and I don't have a blog. Sorry! cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Sherrie C. said...

I've never tried Newman's Own Coffee before but if McDonald's carries it I think I might have to pick up a cup :)


fdigsby said...

I have not, but it sounds good.

JC said...

I haven't tried it yet

Jessica said...

I haven't tried it yet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

stumble upon: shopgurl

Cinderella10383 said...

I have not tried their coffee yet, I need to but it's so hard getting out of the house in the morning with a 2 and a half year old.

Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

Charity and John said...

primabee at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love Newman's Own Coffee1

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