Wednesday, September 5 from 4 P.M.- 6 P.M.
- The last appearance of ‘Summer Strawberry’s is in the capital of Massachusetts, the city made famous by a giant tea party and Paul Revere’s warning that, “The British are coming!” during the American Revolutionary War.
- The Edible Arrangements location is easily accessible by public transportation with nearby T stops such as:
Green Lineà Government Center
Red Lineà Downtown Crossing
Orange Lineà State Street
Blue Lineà State Street
- Brush up on your history along the way! Edible Arrangements is located down the street from the Old South Meeting House which is part of the esteemed Freedom Trail.
- Continuing with the history theme… ‘Summer Strawberry’ will be at the store located on a street that shares its name with America’s first president, the country’s capital and a state in the North West. http://www.ediblearrangements.
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