SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: 5 Hour Energy Review And ~~Giveaway~~

Saturday, August 18, 2012

5 Hour Energy Review And ~~Giveaway~~

Made for hard working people

Finding the energy for work and family responsibilities is hard enough. Throw in a second job, go back to school, or simply have a sleepless night, and you’re bound to hit the wall. So what do you do? Run for the coffee? Grab a soda? But how long does that last before you need more? Try this instead – take one 5-hour ENERGY® shot. It’s quick, simple, and made to help hard working people.

What's in 5-hour ENERGY®?

The key ingredients in 5-hour ENERGY® are also available in every day foods – like broccoli, avocados, bananas and apples – or already in you. It contains zero sugar, four calories and as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee.

Why try 5-hour ENERGY®?

  • Quick, simple and effective
  • Fast and easy to consume
  • Zero sugar
  • Zero herbal stimulants
  • 4 calories!
  • B-vitamins and amino acids
  • As much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee
  • Also available in a Decaf version
  • Non carbonated

I am a caffeine addict!! I drink a lot of tea at home, and when I am in the car its coffee, coffee, coffee!!!

With two kids, and a very busy career, I need to be awake and alert. Especially this past week when I was driving 400+ miles a day!!

Luckily for me, I was sent a 6 pack of 5 Hour Energy to try, and it came in handy!!!

By the end of each day, I was falling asleep. I needed a boost, and coffee just wasn't cutting it.

Each afternoon, I would take a 5 Hour Energy and would make it home safely!!!

I was sent Berry flavored (original.) It is a little sweet tasting, but it did the trick. With in two minutes, I was not yawning anymore and I actually felt much more alert. These little bottles pack a punch!!

If you lead a busy life like I do, and need a boost here and there, 5 Hour Energy will help!!

How would you like to try some?? My good friends at Smiley360 and 5 Hour Energy would like to send one lucky reader a 6 pack to try like I got!!


cjabdelnour said...

I could use this when I am on my computer especially in the afternoon! Cheryl

Stephanie LaPlante said...

That needed pick me up would be everyday of highschool

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged 8/19

jmajor4870 said...

i could use this everyday. but one day both of the grand-kids were sick. i was running around all day taking care of them

Kathy said...

I could use this at work about 3:00.

Karla S said...

I need a pick me up every around 2-3 in the afternoon I get drowsy and could use this! ;)
ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Giveaway Gal said...

I could have used a 5 hour energy last week on my 12 hour drive home!

Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Tammy Dalley said...

I could use this the most around 3 oclock at work!!!

jakiesmom said...

driving to my folks the other day

Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Unknown said...

I have a 7 month old who still doesn't sleep through the night. I always need energy!

fdigsby said...

After a day at the beach.

Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Heather! said...

I used to work for Girl Scouts. We did an annual Lock-in at the mall. Three thousand screaming girls all night long!! Yeah...could have used 5-Hour Energy then! :)

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

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