SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Unique Gift Ideas Event ~~Giveaway~~

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Unique Gift Ideas Event ~~Giveaway~~

Makobi Scribe is hosting the Unique Gift Ideas Event with a Sumo Lounge Beanbag Chair as the grand prize!  Make sure you enter here, check out all the other great giveaways below, and then head back to Makobi Scribe's site for the Grand Prize!!

If you have read my site for even a week, you know I am weird!!  I am not ashamed to admit it, as long as you aren't ashamed to admit you like to read all about it!!!  LOL

Being that this is a Unique Gift Giveaway, I went crazy(er) then usual and got some pretty cool items!!  

Already been chewed cookie cutters!!

Amazing Birthday Candle (because my b-day is coming up!!)

Grow A Boyfriend Doll!!

Pickle Flavored Toothpaste (yes you read that right!!)

Saving to Quit My Job Bank

Zombie Sleep Mask

These are fun gifts that you could give to almost anyone!!!

Use the rafflecopter form below to enter, and don't forget to see what everyone else has!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


eclairre said...

One time i got "Fart Gum". lol

gibberish said...

My weirdest gift was a toilet plunger !!?
rafflecopter name is Julie G.

Naturalhairlatina said...

My weirdest gift a baby t shirt on my birthday that said congratulations?? Im not pregnant just fat. lol

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I got some over the hill pills.
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Brenda Penton said...

The worst gift I have ever been given was from a Christmas exchange. I was given a used tshirt (wasn't even washed and had stains) and a few half used sample sized bottles of shampoo.


fdigsby said...

A pillow

CaseyCG said...

I once received a jar of slugs. Giver knew I HATE them.

Olivia R said...

i got a door mat, lysol and shaving cream for my 30th

Kristen said...

A macrame plant holder...ugh.

Erin said...

My Aunt one year gave me a Bolo (sp?) tie. Like that the cowboys wear. Ummm.... I live in Oregon!

Marti Tabora said...

I once got a lug nut from my boyfriend. He's not by my boyfriend anymore. ;)

jodi lasher said...

One year for xmas my mom got me a bottle of beano.. LOL

Jaime Nicole said...

I got a box of tampons once :-/

Jaime Nicole said...

Your button is on my blog:

Zara H said...

One year for Christmas I got a pair of panties with lights that really lit up on them lol

stacey dempsey said...

candy canes for valentines day lol


Natasha said...

Lip gloss shaped like a toliet.

Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher said...

penis shaped candy! LOL

Shannon M Gallagher on RC
surveylover77 at hotmail dot com

Darlene said...

I received one of those big ugly x-mas sweaters.

Tracy said...

I don't think I've ever been given a weird gift... and I think I'm ok with that.
Tracy A.J.

Stephanie H. said...

I got a maternity Night gown given to me when I was not even dating anyone, or pregnant.

Sarah said...

a glass straw :)

LB said...

I don't know but I like to give my brother a bag of coal for Christmas!

LB said...


Kasee said...

My in-laws took a trip to Central America and brought back little jars of face cream made from snail slime. My step sisters loved theirs, but I can't bring myself to try it. The jar looks pretty on my shelf, though!

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I haven't been given anything bad or weird :)

alicia zirjacks said...

I got light bulbs one year for Christmas from my inlaws

Chrystal said...

A globe

jen said...

I sent my sister a postcard I found of a nudist family holding could see EVERYTHING. lol. She was naturally appalled.

Myra Rzepa said...

the weirdest gift i have gotten is a plane ticket *cause its so random and i never woulda thought i would get that..* and also a hard drive.. i know they arent outrageous but would never guess them as a gift:P

Stacy said...

I haven't received any, but for Christmas this year I bought one of my friends bacon flavored mints.

Nicole Carter said...

Nothing really too bad, once I got Warming lubricants!
Nicole Carter

Unknown said...

A stuffed Pig's head as a gag gift :)

ellen_levickis said...

i cannot think of a weird gift i have been given, but once i gave a jar candle with a birthday cake cover as a wedding gift

willdebbie said...

a diaper cake
christal c willdebbie

Heather R said...

Software to design CD labels

Megan Sutliff said...

A girl outfit for my son...? haha

Ruth said...

Really, I haven't received anything unique. I have given unique gifts such as handmade coasters and things like that.

Your button is on my blog:

Unknown said...

Weirdest gift ever would have to be... A barbie lunch box (for my anniversary, when I was 29, and not at all into Barbies).

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

Your blog button is here...


Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

I can't think of anything really weird that I have been given, but last Christmas I bought this prankster I know a monkey fart candle!


Tylerpants said...

I got bacon lip balm. tylerpants(at)

Debbie/Africa's Blog said...

make up!! i dont wear it :)

Thuy Vu said...

Hmmm I got this wierd necklace from my uncle one year.

Juana said...

I don't remember receiving any weird gifts.

Unknown said...

Do you got some more unique ideas for gifts? These collection was very weird.

Sidra Naz said...

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