SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Christmas In July Hop ~~Giveaway~~

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Christmas In July Hop ~~Giveaway~~


Welcome to the Christmas in July Hop hosted by Sarah's Blog Of Fun. We have some terrific bloggers bringing you some awesome prizes all with the Christmas Spirit in mind!!

American Family has been extremely generous to sponsor a Grand Prize for two lucky winners!! First place gets a $50 Amazon Gift Card, and a $50 Walmart Gift Card. Second place gets a $50 Amazon Gift Card. You can get a lot of shopping done with that!!!

American Family would also love to extend a special gift to each and everyone who enters. You can get an eBook copy of "Summer Desserts" for free. Don't let the title fool you, these recipes can be used for your Holiday baking as well!!! Sign up with American Family, and keep the fun going all year long!!


Enter the giveaway here at Sarah's Blog Of Fun, check out the other blogs giveaways below, and don't forget to enter the Grand Prize drawing for your chance to win even more!!"

Christmas is my all time favorite holiday. I am not big on getting presents, but I love to give them!!! I also love to decorate!!! We start the weekend after Thanksgiving. Black Friday we buy our tree, and by Cyber Monday, the house is mostly ready to go!!

For my giveaway, I am giving away a $25 Gift Card to The Christmas Tree Shoppes. This is my go to store for decorations!!! If you don't have a Tree Shoppes, then I can substitute the gift card for a store you would like.

I am also giving away a favorite Christmas item that I collect every year!!! As you may know, I am a Disney nut!!! We try to go at least once a year. No matter how long we go for, I make a point to hit Downtown Disney to get my yearly Christmas Ornament, and magnet. This past June when we went, I made a point to get an extra ornament and magnet for this hop.

What I love the most about the ornament is that it is fabric and light weight. I don't have to worry about those horrible tree accidents, where the tree falls over, and my favorite ornaments break (like in past years!!)


Lisagi said...

We love to decorate sugar cookies in all types of holiday themes with little candies and sprinkles. Then, we set a few out for Santa on Christmas Eve. :)

Lisagi said...

The "Stumble" entry (stumble this post) does not work on the form. Just thought I'd let you know :)

Lisa Weidknecht said...

We decorate the day after Thanksgiving.

debijackson said...

we do the tree together debbie jackson,
devyjackson at hotmail dot com

sherabbit36 said...

we sit around on christmas eve and talk about the year and have hot chocolate and cookies then open one gift

casey aubut said...

My whole family, borthers, parents and neices and nephews all spend the night on Christmas Eve. We have never gone a single year without us all waking up to do present in the morning!

Unknown said...

We hold hands around the Christmas tree and sing songs before opening our presents.

Donna said...

we have dinner every christmas eve so that we can all stay home in the next day

Lmbrunken said...

We bake Xmas cookies for santa

Mia J. said...

We go out and look at the neighborhood lights on Christmas Eve.

Katie said...

We bake Christmas cookies together and give them to people we love/care about

jmajor4870 said...

we decorate the house. inside and out. bake fruitcake and christmas cookies for friends and neighbors as a family all 30 of us the day after thanksgiving

Erin said...

We always make cheese fondue on CHristmas Eve and watch movies and eat it. I love it!

Anonymous said...

we have cinnamon buns in the morning

Anonymous said...

We decorate the Saturday after thanksgiving every year.

Kimberly said...

Chinese food on Christmas Eve

michele376 said...

We put our tree up on the weekend after thanksgiving and my grand children decorate it.

Kathy said...

We make homemade gingerbread houses.

Carol ONeil said...

We make cookies and candy.

Unknown said...

I was wondering why I have not been getting any or few entries. Evidently my link to my blog is wrong. :(((

Let me know if there is anything else I need to do. Thanks


Jenny Stanek said...

We do home-made chicken soup on Christmas Eve!!

Unknown said...

Favorite tradition: Giving the boys new jammies to open on Christmas Eve. They get them EVERY year and it always means they will have new matching pjs for Christmas morning pictures. (not match each other, but their own match)
juli guthrie

Unknown said...

We decorate the tree as a family.

Leann said...

My daughter and i wear matching pajamas on Christmas Day.

fdigsby said...

We bake lots of goodies.

Jessyca said...

We always open our presents on Christmas Eve. We have did that ever since I was a kid. Then on Christmas Day we goto my grandparents house.

desitheblonde said...

when we were kid we got up at 6 am and open the gift in the stocking
and then wait till my dad and mom got up now i just open the one form frinds and pen pal i trade with
and then the tree has the ornament are form my pal ar eon the top andthen the other

Brandy Batson said...

Making Christmas candy with my Grandma LAV is my fave tradition. unfortunately for the past 4 years she has been wheelchair bound so I have just been making it by myself but at her house still. I miss it very much.

Angie said...

We open presents on Christmas Eve.

Marti Tabora said...

We decorate cookies together every year.

Anonymous said...

I make as many diff. cookies as I can for all my friends.
rierie11booger (@)

Tammy said...

right after thanksgiving we all get together to put up the tree! I have 8 kids so it's a plan to make this happen LOL
Thanks for the contest

Carol L. said...

We start decorating after Thanksgiving and the first week in December we all get together and we start baking all our Christmas cookies.
Carol L.
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

GFC is Lucky47

~April~ said...

We dont have a real tradition but on Christmas morning we always cook breakfast and we cook every ones favorite food.

~April~ said...

put button @

pinktaz60 said...

Betsy Barnes

One of our Christmas tradition is we open one present each on Christmas eve :)

Janice said...

My sister gives us all new pajamas on Christmas Eve.

benz1171 said...

Opening presents Christmas morning.

Jessica Cox said...

My girls and I always bake cookies for santa
Jessica Cox

Jess said...

We get together with my sister (who raised me) and bake pies with my kids for dinner

Thank you for the chance to win

cjabdelnour said...

We open our gifts on Christmas Eve. It is a tradition started by my mom and dad when my dad was a farmer. Cheryl

Amanda Smith said...

We open 3 gifts Christmas eve. One is always a new (freshly laundered!) pj's to sleep in that night and a Christmas book to read. Each day in December we open up a new book (the last one leading up to Christmas is the Christmas Eve Christmas book. The third gift is any gift under the tree we want to open.

Danielle Williams said...

We open family gifts on Christmas Eve and Santa gifts on Christmas Day that way it breaks everything up and gives us a chance to kinda sleep in on Christmas :)

Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...

We go to my mothers that's about it we are not very big on traditions unless you want to count that there will be at least one fight or disagreement (

Victoria said...

All the women on my mothers side of the family get together about 2 weeks before Christmas and we make cookies from my great grandmothers recipe book :)Last year my grandmother had them scanned and bound into a gorgeous book all in great-grandmas handwriting. Brings tears to my eyes when I see it :)

Cheryl said...

We go to my parents house for Christmas!

Alig said...

My mom, my sister and I always decorate the tree together, usually right before Christmas eve.

Amanda said...

We decorate the tree as a family and hang up all the ornaments that we have collected through the years. We usually always add a few more ornaments every year too. This past year, I was finally able to have the courage and strength to buy one for the dd we lost 3 years ago.
tvpg at aol dot com

The Family that Laughs Together said...

I love to wake up early and enjoy time with the christmas lights on with a good cup of coffee.. very peaceful and magical

thefamilythat at gmail dot com

The Family that Laughs Together said...

I sort a blogged about this giveaway since I am participating?

does this count ;)

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Our tradition is opening one gift on Christmas Eve

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged 7/16/2012

Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blue racer said...

gfc- as heather s

we decorate the Christmas tree together.

Linda said...

Opening our presents on Christmas Eve

Katie Amanda said...

I usually go to my aunt's house for a traditional Christmas Eve meal.


Kim D said...

We always spend christmas eve together and open one pajamas. At thanksgiving we picked names of who's we would buy! sometimes its really really funny
Thank you for a great contest and the chance to win!!

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged 7/18/2012

Charity and John said...

We just started the elf on the shelf last year.
primabee at hotmail dot com

Charity and John said...

primabee at hotmail dot com

trublujo said...

Every year I buy my daughter an ornament for the tree so when she finally moves out she will have enough for her own tree

Kasee said...

As soon as Thanksgiving is over, my kids start begging for me to start the Christmas baking! We have certain favorite recipes - like our secret recipe Snot Fingers (Pistachio Cream Cheese Fingers) - that I HAVE to make every year, and my kids never let me forget!

jenzen69 said...

we open Christmas jammies from grandma on Christmas eve

polly said...

we always open one gift on christmas eve

Kimbers867 said...

driving around on Christmas Eve looking at decorations. We did it as kids to help us fall asleep, so when my girls were born we started the same tradition.

Unknown said...

we string popcorn on our tree

Tracy said...

I have a very large extended family. Every year we have a Yankee Swap the Saturday before Christmas. It becomes an all day event, and everyone goes home with sore tummy from laughing so hard all day. Outstanding fun!
Tracy Awalt Juliano

Ruth Hill said...

My daughter gets some kind of advent calendar each year.

You button is on my blog:

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged 7/21/2012

Nicole Carter said...

We open presents really early on Christmas Day and then go to my Mom's where all the extended family is and open more presents there!

Kristen said...

We always put a yellow light at the top of the tree for Santa Mouse.

Gretchen said...

I love Christmas and have passed this love to my family. Our decorations go up right after Halloween (if it were up to me they would never come down!) My favorite tradition is driving around counting houses with Christmas lights one side of the car against the other, as an adult and a driver I now realize why my dad always won!

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged 7/22/2012

Stacy said...

I'm not entering, just commenting!

The Christmas store at Downtown Disney is my favorite store there. I have a friend that works there (actually, it's my middle school boyfriend's Mom) and she's a calligrapher. I also get ornaments there every year for Christmas. They are just so cute and well made.

Linda Kish said...

The only tradition we have is lots of holiday baking.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Stephanie H. said...

We make a candle with 25 evenly spaced dots and we burn the candle while reading Scriptures about Christ life and The last night we read Luke Chapter 2 which is the birth story of Christ

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged 7/23/2012

Kim Reid said...

Baking cookies with the kids - Thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Tylerpants said...

My family usually makes a gingerbread house a few days before Christmas. tylerpants(at)

trixx said...

We open stocking stuffers on Christmas Eve

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