We asked ourselves: Can we create a household brand and sustainable business that will allow us to pursue our passion for helping animals? From that question, Mr. Chewy is born.
What we do...
Mr. Chewy is the spot for pet people.
Why we're better...
Mr. Chewy delivers pet happiness by conveniently shipping 70+ brands of pet food and stuff (for free!) while ensuring at-risk animals' lives are improved across the planet.
Why it matters...
At-risk animals need a hero -- and let's face it -- driving to the store and schlepping pet stuff bites.
Why it's better...
Unlike the big, corporate, profit-driven pet retailers, MrChewy.com is driven by pet happiness not the bottom line.
I love dogs (in case you couldn't tell!! LOL.) Our Sam is not a dog, she is a pampered princess!!
When Mr.Chewy asked me to review some of his items, Sammy jumped up and down. OK she might have just looked at me funny, but to her that was jumping up and down!!
The Sam was sent-
1 x Beggin Strips Original Bacon Dog Treats, 6-oz
2 x Merrick G.I. Bone Dog Chews, G.I. Bone 7-9"
2 x Flossies Spiral Chews, 6-8", by Merrick, One Flossie
She was very happy to get all of her treats!! She ate the Spiral Chew before I could get a picture of her with it, but here she is with her GI Bone!!
She was a very nice girl, and shared some of her chewies and treats with her cousins!!
Over all I was very happy with the order. The items came in very quickly, and the dogs all loved the treats. The Sam is so used to boxes coming in, but it's very rare that the items are for her!!
If you are looking for some great gifts, dog food, and treats for your pampered princess or prince, check out Mr.Chewy!!!
I am very happy to be able to give one of you a $25 e-cert to order some presents for your furry friend.
**Note: shipping costs are not included in the gift cert. For me shipping was $4.95**
a Rafflecopter giveaway
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given the above items for this review thanks to Mr.Chewy.com**
Poodle - yes
Poodle, too!
yes, of course.
There was no space to indicate how I follow you in GFC (Mami2jcn). I entered on the rafflecopter under my Facebook username (Mary Happymommy).
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I have 2 very spoiled English springer spaniels
msboatgal at aol.com
I have a belgian malinois cross.
I have a Rotweiler/Pitbull mix and she is a spoiled.
Are they pampered????? are you serious! our niece is a vet and the two inside cats started out as our "boys" 4 years ago. One is a shorthair tabby that has had brain surgery and the other is a maine coon/ragdoll mix that was a kitten when he was given to Oscar as "therapy" while recovering at the clinic. Then, we have a dashund/chiua. mix that came up as a rescue when he was about 6 mos. old with injuries. He is my "baby". Now, all three "boys" rule our roost and they have us well trained. I'd say they are pampered. Yes, indeed!!!! penny hyde hydepennym@gmail.com
Are they pampered????? are you serious! our niece is a vet and the two inside cats started out as our "boys" 4 years ago. One is a shorthair tabby that has had brain surgery and the other is a maine coon/ragdoll mix that was a kitten when he was given to Oscar as "therapy" while recovering at the clinic. Then, we have a dashund/chiua. mix that came up as a rescue when he was about 6 mos. old with injuries. He is my "baby". Now, all three "boys" rule our roost and they have us well trained. I'd say they are pampered. Yes, indeed!!!! penny hyde hydepennym@gmail.com
I have 1 Chihuahua and 3 Borkies, and yes they are pampered!!
Button: www.giveawayhog.blogspot.com
Stumble Name: lolaviolets2010
Blog Post: http://giveawayhog.blogspot.com/2012/02/mr-chewy-giveaway-at-sarahs-blog-of-fun.html
GFC Follower as Amy Orvin
I have 2 dogs a shih-tzu and peekipoo. 5 cats all domestic shorthair tabbys and 1 tuxedo. 2 Sugar gliders. All of my babies are VERY spoiled!!!!
I have two cats, a boy and a girl. Lets just call them American shorthair and longhair. They are both spoiled little brats especially my girl!
I have a 3 month old lab shepard mix! He is my baby and he is soooooooo pampered!!!! Spoiled rotten!!!
I have 6 cats with no specific breed but they're all spoiled
Button - http://stephanie-laplante.blogspot.com/
Subscribe - stephy905@hotmail.com
Networked Blogs - Stephanie La Plante
LinkedIn - Stephanie La Plante
StumbleUpon - stephy905
Blogged - http://stephanie-laplante.blogspot.com/2012/02/mr-chewy-giveaway.html
im afarid i can not foolow on blog and do blog i do not have any site and then my kid his name is king and he has had some bone like that and then it took him2 week to eat it and then yes when i go out he go with me and now is a service dog
Button can be found at: www.whileyouwereblogging.com
I have a Boston Terrier, Sir Jeeves, who I adore.
primabee at hotmail dot com
I have a yellow lab who I love
blog button-http://crave-to-save.blogspot.com/p/my-favorite-blogs.html
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I have a west highland terrier and he is definitely pampered!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Nice giveaway. Thanks. I have a rescue "mutt" who will be 10 tomorrow. I also had an English Springer Spaniel but he died on Thanksgiving. He was probably the more pampered of the two just because he was my shadow. She, Vicki, is a little bit more independent but she's a bit spoiled I suppose.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
i have a fox terrier and yes she is pampered
We have a Rottweiler/Rough Collie mix named Roman. He's spoilt, but not as much as some dogs.
I live and work on a ranch that is home to a dozen barn cats that are very demanding and adorable. There is also 7 horses that get toomuch attention in my opinion.. lol but there is one who really deserves the love, Chance is a big dog in horse clothing. Our pride and joy is a two year old Yellow lab, Leo, that we rescued after being stabbed by his owner. He as his cat companions and patrols the grounds day and night with his Tom Cat running buddy Ron. He is lovable and goofy and clumsy, but completely protective of us. He loves all humans and is never aggressive with them unless you considered being licked to death a crime. We seem to attract strays and have had starving cats and dogs to just show up at the ranch. The message must be getting out that I am a soft touch.. lol.. of well.. the more the merrier.. :)
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