SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Survivor Fantasy Game Week 2

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Survivor Fantasy Game Week 2

I feel a little bad for Semhar.  I wouldn't want to be out in the wilderness like that by myself!!

It looks like Coach has two alliances going on now. 

Cochran is a strange person.   Some of his comments were off the wall!!

Good for Ozzy.  He found the idol!!!  I am going to start calling him a monkey.  Did you see how he climbed the tree to hide the idol?  WOW!!!

I don't know if Brandon should have said anything to Coach about him being Russell's nephew.  That might bite him in the butt!!

Jim is a little to cocky.  That is going to hurt him.

Mikayla seems annoying.  She is a know it all type of person.  I agree with Brandon about watching her.

Christine has a clue for the idol.  Now lets see if that helps her to find it!!!

The blue team is doing really well at the rope part of the challenge.  The red team is very slow!!

Now the red is kicking butt at the box moving part!!  They really came back from behind on that challenge to win!!

I understand Brandon not liking Mikayla, but to vote out a strong person right off the bat seems really silly.

I love the scramble at the blue teams camp.  They are all running around, and making it very obvious. 

Edna is not a very good liar!!!  Christine caught her in two seconds flat!!!

This tribal should be interesting.  I doubt Mikayla is going home, but you never know in this game.  Brandon might not be safe anymore!!!

Coach sounds like an idiot, but it's not all his fault.  He was fed wrong info!!

Brandon's mouth is going to get him in big trouble.  He never should have said that he was the one that wants Mikayla gone. 

All of the people on this team are very very paranoid.  It will be really interesting to see the vote.  I have no clue what they are all going to do!!!

I am betting that Brandon and Coach are not going to be too tight after this though!!

There were a lot of random votes in there, but not one for Mikayla.  Even Brandon didn't vote for her.  Interesting.

So now Christine heads to redemption.  My money is on her next week when she battles Semhar.

See you next week!!

1. Benjamin "Coach" Wade TAKEN BY Charity and John
2. Oscar “Ozzy” Lusth TAKEN BY Tara
3. Albert Destrade TAKEN BY Farrah Shumway
4. Brandon Hantz TAKEN BY Dena Mullins
5. Christine Shields Markosk TAKEN BY Katsrus
6. Dawn Meehan TAKEN BY Ksceviour
7. Edna Ma TAKEN BY Jeanette
8. Elyse Umemoto TAKEN BY Vhubler
9. Jim Rice TAKEN BY Vicjbr
10. John Cochran TAKEN BY Liza767
11. Keith Tollefson TAKEN BY Shelley T
12. Mark Caruso TAKEN BY Debbie
13. Mikayla Wingle TAKEN BY Sam Buck

14. Rick Nelson TAKEN BY Turq
15. Semhar Tadesse TAKEN BY Dina K
16. Sophie Clarke TAKEN BY Celebrie2
17. Stacey Powell TAKEN BY Ashley S
18. Whitney Duncan TAKEN BY Larissa


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