SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Take Three Tuesday Blog Hop

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Take Three Tuesday Blog Hop

Who doesn't want or need more followers?? This is my twentieth week with a Linky hop, and so far so good!!! I am meeting a lot of great bloggers!!

I am making this hop a little different then other peoples.

You can include all three of your accounts (blog, twitter and facebook) Please use the format I used with my accounts.

Follow as many peoples accounts as you want. Just make sure to leave a comment on their blog saying you are following from Take Three Tuesday, and what accounts of theirs you are following.

Each week, I will pick one random entry in the linky to win a small prize!!

So spread the word and lets try to make Take Three Tuesday a big deal!!!

Last weeks winner is............

Please email me your address and I will get your prize out to you!!!

~~Winners- please respond with in one week. Thank you~~

3 comments: said...

Thanks for hosting! Stop by my by blog and link your blog hop in my new Hop Library.

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!

Amy's Passionate Ramblings said...

Thanks for hosting this cool hop.

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