SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Monday Meet And Greet- Mother Of Pearl It Is

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Meet And Greet- Mother Of Pearl It Is

Mother of Pearl It Is

Your Name: Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)

Where do you blog? Mother of Pearl It Is

How did you decide on what to name your blog? Long story short... my oldest son began calling me Mother of Pearl years ago, and it kinda stuck. You can read about WHY he came up with that name for me here at Mother of Pearl, You Say?! (

Tell us a little bit about you.... I've been with the love of my life for 24 years... married for 15 of them. We have 5 beautiful biracial kiddos, a lovely DIL-to-be, and 2 precious (or is that precocious) granddaughters. We are very family-oriented, although slightly dysfunctional. :) I work outside the home part-time, and LOVE my computer. I'm also scheduled to have Gastric Sleeve surgery this Friday, and am looking forward to feeling good inside and out again. You can read about why I made this decision HERE

Tell us 5 of your favorite things, and 5 of your least favorite things...

Favorite things: my family, the beach, my laptop, amusement parks, chocolate

Least favorite things: liver & onions, procrastination, being broke, fake people, aching all the time (I have RA)

When and why did you start blogging? I actually started 9/2009, but got frustrated and stopped after a few months. Then got the bug again, and have been blogging steadily since 2/2010. I started doing reviews around that time too.

What do you blog about? MOPII is a mixture of our family's crazy antics, teenage dramas, the fun of being "young" grandparents, & a mish-mash of reviews and giveaways!

What does your family think of your blog? Do they read it? They don't really pay much attention to it... unless I tell them they MUST listen to my latest post. LOL They do love the reviews though (well, the review products anyway... tee hee)

When do you find the time to blog? Right now, I am on unemployment and getting ready to have my surgery, so most days I'm on throughout the day. When I'm working... I get right on as soon as I'm home. Then go back and forth in between doing chores, playing with the kids, watching tv, etc.

What advice would you give a new blogger? It's YOUR blog... you write whatever you want to write about, add whatever you want on your blog, but do take into consideration any advice that others offer you. You don't want to "follow suit" just because Jane, Betty, and Tom are doing it, but you also want to be sure to listen to their critiques. They may offer things you didn't know about, which may make your blog even better! :)

What are your favorite blogs to read? I don't get around to reading as much as I used to, since I began doing reviews/giveaways. But, there are several that I love to read when I get time. I like to laugh, and these gals (and guy) always make me chuckle.
Boobies, Babies, and a Blog

The Boogie Man is my Friends

The Blog O' Cheese

Where can we find you? Facebook, Twitter, Email if you'd like to share it, Etc.



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