SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Hell's Kitchen Week 5 Part 2

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hell's Kitchen Week 5 Part 2

Krupa was having a pretty hard time those last couple services.  She never would have made it as a head chef.

That was nice that the blue team knew who they wanted as a leader right away unanimously.

The red team not so much.

Carrie at least had a plan and went with it.  Tommy was very wishy washy.

Jonathon really helped screw Tommy over.  It is not hard to make a pizza!!  My kids have done it!! 

Wolfgang Puck was funny!! 

Jonathon refused to take the pizza up.

Carries pizza was very raw.  Jonathon's was covered in some sort of oil/water.  It looked nasty.

The red team really shouldn't celebrate that much.  They only got 2 out of 5 dishes right!!

Elise's feather was a little weird!!  The comedian made fun of her!!

Jonathon needs to get up and do some work.  Punishment is every ones responsibility.

Carrie is horrible.  Jonathon and Natalie are not doing much better.

Who was the player that won two years ago with a broken arm??  Was it Danny??

The red team is doing really well.  The blue isn't.

Elise is keeping really busy.  All the orders are for meat!!

Tommy is bombing big time on his meat station.
Of course now that the red team did well, Elise has to take credit for her skills!!   

I think Jonathon and Tommy should go up!!  Especially Jonathon.  He was sooooo lazy!!

It doesn't surprise me that Jonathon went.  He was lazy, and Ramsey could see that.

I agree with Jennifer, that Elise's attitude is going to be running on high!!

On that note I need to say goodbye to Natasha.

Thank you for playing!!

If you would like to join in on the game, pick a player and comment below that "I want so and so."  There are three players left!!

1. Amanda Colello
2. Brendan Heavey
3. Carrie Keep TAKEN BY DEBBIE
4. Chino Chang
5. Elise Wims
6. Elizabeth Bianchi TAKEN BY SHELLEY T HUBBY
7. Gina Melcher TAKEN BY LISA
8. Jamie Gregorich
9. Jason Zepaltas
10. Jennifer Normant
11. Jonathon Plumley TAKEN BY NATASHA
12. Krupa Patel TAKEN BY VHUBLER
13. Monterray Keys TAKEN BY VICJBR
14. Natalie Blake TAKEN BY TARA
15. Paul Niedermann TAKEN BY SHELLEY T
16. Steven Paluba
17. Tommy Stevens TAKEN BY KATSRUS

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