Last episodes dinner service was horrible!!
I am prone to migraines, and hearing that base would give me an instant one!!
I hope Carrie knows that Ramsey is married!!
Elise is a pain in the butt!! I would slap her silly!!
Will did really well cooking by himself!! He got all four and won for the men!!
I can't blame Krupa for being ticked. She got 4 out of 4. I wish she would hit Elise!!! lol
Ben and I were screaming at the screen when we saw them wasting all that meat. Blending it in a blender is gross!!
The men's lunch looked really good!!
Wow Carrie and Brendan got it on!! I wasn't expecting that. Especially soooo soon!!
Chino needs to learn to communicate.
Carrie is very ditsy. It isn't that hard to read a table map and make salads!!!
Brendan should not lie to Ramsey. That is just stupid!!
Ouch Krupa dropped the whole Prime Rib. Five second rule!!
The men are not getting any better. No entries two nights in a row.
How embarrassing to them that the women took over their kitchen.
The girls did really well. Good for them.
The bickering is getting really old guys.
I really thought Chino would have gone, but I guess Brendan's lie about the sea bass was too much!!
The men are idiots for speaking up against Ramsey and saying they don't want a women in their kitchen.
Next week should be interesting!!
If you would like to join in on the game, pick a player and comment below that "I want so and so."
1. Amanda Colello
3. Carrie Keep TAKEN BY DEBBIE
4. Chino Chang
5. Elise Wims
6. Elizabeth Bianchi
7. Gina Melcher
8. Jamie Gregorich
10. Jennifer Normant
11. Jonathan Plumley
12. Krupa Patel TAKEN BY VHUBLER
13. Monterray Keys
14. Natalie Blake
15. Paul Niedermann TAKEN BY SHELLEY T
17. Tommy Stevens TAKEN BY KATSRUS
18. Will Lustberg
Can I take Paul? I missed the first post I guess
I couldn't believe she dropped that prime rib on the floor! LOL.
Sue B
I like Gina!! I cant stand Will or Paul. I hate the way they scream and what they scream. The women that Elise is a booger diva she thinks she's all that and some dog poop too.
I don't know quite why, but I'll take Jonathon (even though he spells his name wrong).
Wow! This looks great! I am so impressed!
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