SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Ripe For Pleasure Book Review And ~~Giveaway~~

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ripe For Pleasure Book Review And ~~Giveaway~~

Second in line, first in love
A secret society of younger sons, sworn to aid and abet each other, no matter the scandal or cost.... Their fathers and brothers may rule the world, but they run it . . . and when it comes to passion, they refuse to accept second best.

Searching for hidden treasure,
finding forbidden fantasy.
London's most sensual former courtesan, Viola Whedon, is incapable of being seduced-she does the seducing. Until she meets Leonidas Vaughn. Her salacious memoirs have made her the target of half the lords in England, and Vaughn is the only man she can turn to. When he promises to protect her-and to make her beg for his touch-the alluring beauty finds both offers impossible to refuse.

Leonidas Vaughn secretly believes Viola possesses a fortune given to his family by the King of France. So the strong and sexy Vaughn charms his way into Viola's life . . . and her bed. But when their arrangement is consummated, he'll experience pleasure far beyond his wildest fantasies-and realize his heart may need the most protection of all.

Viola is a former courtesan with a lot of interesting stories to tell.

Especially the night when men enter into her home and attack her.

She escapes to run into the arms of Leonidas Vaughn. A man with ulterier motives then to just save this women.

Leo and his cousin Charles are both after the same thing, a fortune that Viola supposedly has hidden in her house.

Each man has a different way to try to retrieve the fortune. Charlie with violence, and Leo with love!!

At first Leo just wanted to seduce Viola in to giving him the information he needs, but soon his feelings turn into much more.

Viola doesn't know what to make of this man. She is finding that she has feelings for him, but she can't believe that he would return them to a women of her standing.

This was a great adventure book, with some very interesting and funny twists!!

I am very happy to be able to give three of you the chance to read this book.

Entering the giveaway is really easy-

1. Be a Follower of my Blog!!!

(Pretty easy huh!!)

Extra Entries-

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3. Grab my button and tell me where it is (+2 entries)

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6. Tweet about this giveaway (+1 entry daily)

Example- Ripe For Pleasure Book Giveaway (3 Winners) @SarahsBlogOfFun

7. Blog about this giveaway and leave link in your comments (+10 entries per post, once a day)

8. Vote for me
Can be done daily (+1 entry per day)

9. Like Evervue on Facebook, and comment that Sarahs Blog Of Fun sent you (+10 entries)

Like Entryvue on Facebook and comment that Sarahs Blog Of Fun sent you (+10 entries)

Giveaway ends on May 29, 2011 at 11:59pm. Open to US and Canada Readers Only.

A valid email address MUST be in ALL comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn. This giveaway was made possible by Hachette Book Group.

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given a copy of the book for my review*


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