The Organic Spirit Driven by our positive spirit, and heartfelt commitment to a healthy planet, we founded Organically Grown. We were raised to believe that we could make a difference, and affect real change in the world. We believe in your right to affordable, safe, stylish, high-quality organic products from apparel and home décor, to personal care items.
The Organic Revolution Organically Grown is proud to play an active role in the organic revolution. Our apparel is made from 100% organic cotton, which is grown using safe, pesticide-free methods from plants that are not genetically modified. We support the organic farming community and organizations worldwide that are committed to a green, sustainable environment.
The Organic Change There is a direct connection between what we wear and the effect it has on the earth. According to the Organic Exchange, an estimated 170 million pounds of pesticides, and 25% of the world's insecticides are used in the production of conventional, non-organic cotton. 7 out of 10 of these pesticides are on the EPA's "known" list of "likely" or "probable" carcinogens. These chemicals result in work-force illnesses, water contamination, and the devastation of farmland. All of the problems are eliminated though organic farming practices. Organically Grown is proud to be a part of the solution.
The Organic Difference Organically Grown acts as an educational collective. We sponsor fund-raising events and through the media, we teach consumers about the benefits of living an organic lifestyle. We are about balance and taking baby steps. We do the best we can today, knowing we will grow with innovation tomorrow.
Together, we can make a difference by creating products we are proud of and you are proud to purchase. Organically Grown supports and sponsors organizations that plant trees in urban settings; promote water conservation; convert conventional cotton fields to organic cotton fields; and reduce the pollution of Southern California’s coastal waters.
Check out some of the great new onsies that Organically Grown has come out with.
Aren't they adorable??

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Giveaway ends on April 28, 2011 at 11:59pm. Open to my US Readers Only.
A valid email address MUST be in ALL comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn. This giveaway was made possible by Organically Grown.*All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post.*
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