SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: $6000 Cash ~~Giveaway!!!~~

Friday, April 1, 2011

$6000 Cash ~~Giveaway!!!~~

I am so excited to bring you all the ultimate giveaway!!!

Ben and I have been saving our pennies, so that we can bring you a $6000 Cash Giveaway!!!

I have wanted to do this for quite some time. I had to gain enough sponsors to help fund the cost.

Please visit all the sponsors below and thank them!!

I am making the entries to this giveaway really easy-

Mandatory Entry-

1. Tell me if a woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would said woodchuck chuck??

Extra Entries-

1. Hop up and down on one foot, screaming "I want money, lots and lots of money"

2. Tell me how many pennies are in $6000?

3. Tell me one thing you are doing today.

4. Tell me what day of the week today is.

5. Tell me how many times you want to pound me over the head.

The Great Sponsors-

1. When Pigs Fly

2. Never Gonna Get It

3. I am Funny Aren't I?

4. Have a Great April Fools Day

5. Please Don't Stop Following Me Now For Being Mean!!!

**Giveaway ends 4/31/11. Winner will have 10 seconds to respond to email that I am sending to my Mother in law, or contest will end. This giveaway is only open to readers who enjoy jokes, and who have 10 kids, 9 goats, 8 roosters, 7 poodles, 6 TVs, 5 flaming snow cones, 4 refrigerators, 3 cherry trees, 2 husbands, and a bee hive on the top of their head**


SquirrelQueen said...

I love the entry requirements.
Happy April Fool's Day!

Judy Whatilivefor said...

The last entry is more tempting when I think about what day it is :)

Jackie said...

OMG...this is so funny! I like that winner must respond within 10 seconds to email sent to mother in law!! Thanks for the smile!

Ellen said...

a woodchuck would chuck lots and lots of wood! :)

Ellen said...

I hopped!!

Ellen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellen said...

there are 60,000 pennies in 6000!!

Ellen said...

one thing i’m doing today——i’m doing laundry!

Ellen said...

today is saturday!

Ellen said...

I don’t want to pound you over the head any......this is so funny! hahahaha

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