SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Friday Giveaway Link Up

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Giveaway Link Up

I am sorry this is late this week. It has been a very hard week for me. Thursday the 6th, my Grandmother slipped into a coma. On Saturday the 8th, she passed away. She lived in Vermont (3 hrs away from me) and we did alot of driving back and forth. Because of the massive amounts of snow that we got, the funeral was even harder. I am taking the weekend off to spend with my family (tomorrow is my oldest sons 5th Birthday) I will be back on Monday.

Have a good weekend everyone!!


Andrea said...

So sorry to hear about your grandmother! I will keep your family in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your family.

Julie said...

I am soo sorr to hear about your grandmother..Happy 5th Birthday to your son-take care

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Your family will be in my thoughts.

Happy Birthday to your son!

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your grandmother- its always rough when we lose someone we know.
hang in there

debbie said...

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother.

Alissabeth said...

So sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

THinking of you, Sarah. Blessings,Rosemary

Michele said...

I'm so sorry about your Grandma. You and your family are in my prayers.

(Single)Mommy said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I'm a new follower I'd love a follow back @

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Take Care Dear.

Thank-you for Linky.
Link Your Giveaway Thursdays
Mom's Misc. Adventures

Hyde said...

So sorry to hear about your grandma, you are in my thoughts!
New follower

Anonymous said...

Sending you many prayers from Japan!

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