Wednesday, October 6, 2010

NMEDA Site Review

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

This is a great site for people to get information on vehicles specially designed to carry wheel chairs.

- NMEDA is a non-profit trade association; they educate consumers on buying products from a NMEDA qualified dealer.

- NMEDA DOES NOT SELL ANYTHING: NMEDA is the only association that promotes safe driving and equipment for disabled people. They are non-profit and their members are required to adhere to the safety standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. NMEDA dealers (members) are the ones who sell handicap vans and vehicle modifications for disabled people.

- No two people with a disability are exactly the same. Beware of adapted wheelchair vehicles sold over the Internet or through catalogs. After a personalized “in-person” evaluation, you can be sure you are getting the right driving solution customized to your specific lifestyle and needs. If you need additional training or product refinements, your NMEDA dealer is there to help you.

- NMEDA has Dealers AND Quality Assurance Program (QAP) dealers. Please discuss the 2 separately in your post.
* The Quality Assurance Program (QAP) is the only nationally recognized accreditation program for the Adaptive Mobility Equipment Industry. It is based on the principle that in order to satisfy customers consistently, companies must have a systematic and documented approach to quality.

My Father has a spinal disorder that causes his nerve endings in his spine to fail. When they do, he has a very very hard time walking. Even short distances cause him alot of pain. Add the heart condition and diabetes to the mix, and my dad has it rough. He is also only 54 years old.

My Father has three different wheel chairs. As of this point, he doesn't need them all the time, which we are very grateful for. He usually only needs them for vacations, or long shopping trips (IE Christmas shopping!!)

I like how this site gives you information on how to get the right van for your needs and it is free.

They tell you all the steps to buy the right vehicle and the safety features you need.

This site will make it much easier for care givers to get the help they need too.

It is very difficult to take care of someone who needs constant help, and this site makes at least a little of your job easier.

Head over to NMEDA's site for more information.

Visit my sponsor: NMEDA

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