Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Finale already!!! WOW!!

The recap was neat to watch. Oh Nilka!! You will be forever remembered!!

Making 5 dishes in 1 hour is alot!!

Those drinks are weird!!

Of course they go to the 2/2 split. I have never seen it not go 2/2 split!!

Good for Jay winning the challenge.

The former chefs are just hilarious!!

I wonder if Jay and Holli will still end up together when this is over and one of them is a winner and the other isn't??

Siobhan is a funny "cook!!"

How come they haven't decorated their own dinning rooms?? I guess Ramsey really wants this season to end.

Siobhan and Fran both messed up right off the back. That's not good!!

Jason isn't doing much better.

I don't understand why Ramsey brings the thrown out chefs back. They always screw up BIG TIME!!

Autumn has not learned a thing since she has been on this show!!

I think Jay's team did better then Holli's. Even Fran did well!!

Wow, I am shocked that Holli won. I really thought it would have been Jay.

Poor Jean Phillipe. Ramsey soaked him alot!!

Of course the last comment from Jay was, I hope I get her pants off tonight!!

So on that note I need to congratulate Lindsay!!! She has won the game and will be receiving a $25 gift card to a place of her choice!!

Thank you to everyone for playing. Another game will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

1.Andrew Forester- Beth

2.Ed Battaglia- Emmagan

3.Jason Ellis- SquirrelQueen

4.Maria Torrisi- Vhubler

5.Scott Hawley- Meg

6.Siobhan Allgood- Bethany

7.Autumn Lewis- Debbie

8.Fran Klier- Lavender Daisy

9.Jamie Bisoulis- Kat

10.Nilka Hendricks- Britt

11.Salvatore Coppola- LB

12.Benjamin Knack- Krystal

13.Holli Uglade- Lindsay

14.Jay Santos- Shelley

15.Mikey Termini- Katsrus

16.Stacey Slichta- Jenna


Unknown said...

Yeah! I was so excited when she won. I totally chose her randomly from the contestants and to see a young woman really step and own that kitchen made me so proud! Go Holli!

debbie said...

I am really surprised. I wonder if she will be able to keep up with the job?

Unknown said...

I really just wonder if she's taking Jay to London with her. I never did figure out if she was still with her son's dad. They seemed mighty close for a non-couple.

katsrus said...

Congrats to the winner. I really thought Jay would win too.
Sue B

LB said...

Coongrats Lindsay!!!
I had fun playing this game :)

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