My Grandma came home from the hospital today. She is still very confused, and her heart is still only working at 20%, but the doctors are hopeful that they have found part of the cause.
When my Grandma was first admitted, they started her on antibiotics. She has been on those for the last 5 days. The doctors think that she has an infection, and that it traveled to her brain and heart (which is common with the elderly)
She will have daily doctors visits for awhile to make sure things are still improving. My family and I agree that her being at home is much better for her then the hospital.
We are all still praying that the infection is the main cause, and that she will continue to get better. Only time will tell for sure.
Tomorrow is my Birthday (I am old!!,) and my Husband and I are going away for the weekend to the casinos!!! I am very excited to get away. After this week (working 60 hrs at the Po) I need a break. I am not bringing my laptop with me, so that I can truly enjoy just being with the Hubby!!! I will be back on Monday, I promise!!!
Thank you again everyone, and I hope you all have a great weekend.
P.s. Don't forget all the great giveaways I have going. Two of them end tomorrow night!!! (Necromancer, and 300th Post Giveaway!!)
hope your grandmother continues to get better! have fun on your trip!
Continued prayers for your grandma. Happy birthday to you. Have a fun time.
Sue B
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