Tuesday, June 15, 2010


A couple days ago, I did a review of this great book. Please take a quick minute to read it here-

"After Katie Charmaine's husband is killed in Iraq, all she has left is a closet full of his clothes, a few pictures, and fond memories. She not only lost her love, but her last chance to have the children she's always wanted. Until Zack Ferguson shows up in town . . . with the daughter Katie gave up for adoption nearly seventeen years ago.

Zack Ferguson has never forgotten Katie, or the one magical night they spent together. Seeing her again brings up a tidal wave of emotions: regret over the way he left her, anger at the secret she kept, and desire he hasn't felt in years. But he's in town for Gracie. Their daughter is seventeen, angry at the world, and-worst of all-pregnant. She needs the love of her two parents now more than ever. Can these three forgive the hurts of the past and open their hearts to each other?"

I love to read romance books. The kind of books where the guy gets the girl in a somewhat normal way.

Love scenes are ok, if they are done tastefully. I really like the ones where the characters are truly in love and it means something.

This was one of those books!!!

Kate and Zach have a budding romance when they are 17. Which leads to a moment of passion.

Zach has an unexpected problem later that night, and leaves Kate without any notice.

Kate is heart broken. Things get alot worse when she realizes she is pregnant.

She has to come to a very hard decision to give up her baby for adoption.

Flash forward seventeen years.

Kate is still having a hard time adjusting to her Husband of four years, Paul dieing.

She is working in her hair salon one day when a blast from her past, namely Zach, walks in and turns her world upside down.

She not only starts to feel those old flames, but she also finds out that Zach has brought her daughter back to her.

The book goes through alot of parenting issues when trying to raise a 17 year old you don't know.

There is alot of tear jerking moments and alot of true love.

I really enjoyed this book. It is going on my shelf of must read again books!!!

You can purchase this book on Amazon for $6.99. or......

You can win a copy here!!!

My new friend Anna has generously agreed to give away 3 copies of this book to lucky Sarah's Blog Of Fun Readers!!!

Entering this giveaway is really easy.

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That's 14 possible entries!!!

Giveaway ends on June 29th 2010 at 11:59pm. Open to US and Canada readers only. A valid email address must be in all comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn.

This giveaway was made possible by Hachette Books.

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was given a copy of the book to read for my review*


Colleen Turner said...

My favorite book of all time is Little Women. More recently, I really love the books of Audrey Niffenegger. Thanks for asking :)!

Colleen Turner said...

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Colleen Turner said...

I would LOVE to read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner...and I will!

Sheila Deeth said...

Sounds interesting. My favorite book depends on which day and which time of day. Right now it's Life in Defiance by Mary DeMuth

misskallie2000 said...

My favorite book is Kiss Them Goodbye by Stella Cameron. My favorite book changes as I read. My all time favorite from the time I was 6 is Cinderella..I love HEA.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

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Jackie S. said...

Please enter me...I subscribe via e mail.

Jackie S. said...

My favorite book is anything by Karen Kingsbury.

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Jackie S. said...

From Hatchette...I would like to read The Bride Collector.

fdigsby said...

My fav is Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult.

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I would like to read A Change in Altitude by Anita Shreve.

Kristy said...

One of my favorites is The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks! I love when a book has a completely different ending than whats expected!

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Kristy said...

I'd love to check out, Just Let Me Lie Down, by Kristin van Ogtrop... sounds great!

Anonymous said...

My fav book is The Help.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would like to read Eat the cookie, buy the shoe.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

traveler said...

My favorite book is The Help. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

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traveler said...

I would like to read Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Cass said...

My favourite book for now is "If I Stay" by Gayle Forman. I just love the whole essence of the book, the narrative, the voice, the concept. The covers are beautiful-- my favourite is the "concept" one with the tree branches in Winter.


Benita said...

My favorite book is Frances Mayes' Under the Tuscan Sun.


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I'd like to read The Bride Collector.


doreen lamoureux said...

Some of my favorites are Beautiful Creatures, The Secret and the naughty Unbridled.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

kalea_kane said...

My favorite book of all time is Gone With The Wind. I literally have two books I must read every year. One is Gone With The Wind and the other is The Stand. Two very different books but both epic in my opinion. :) Great review. Thanks for the chance to win.


kalea_kane said...

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kalea_kane said...

I would love to read Hollywood Crows by Joseph Wambaugh which is the sequel to a book I am reading now Hollywood Moon.

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Marie said...

My favorite book is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen!

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I'd also like to read the Nelson Demille book The Lion!

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Frugal Science Gal said...

My favorite book is The Great Gatsby.

frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com

Frugal Science Gal said...

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Jess said...

favorite book is "The Birth House' by amy mckay

jessalicious01 at yahoo dot com

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jessalicious01 at yahoo dot com

Reading said...

My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

robynl said...

my favorite book is the Texas Trilogy by Sandra Brown.


robynl said...

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robynl said...

one other book I would love to read is Alibi by Teri Woods.


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Aleksandra Nearing said...

I don't have a favorite but I love historical romance books and modern thrillers. Thanks for the chance!

Aleksandra Nearing said...

I'd like to read private by james patterson

grannyvon said...

To Kill A MockingBird is what I picked but I read all the time and its had to have a favorite. THanks for the entry.

grannyvon said...

Already subscribe to Hashette Books newsletter.

grannyvon said...

The Knight is one book I haven't read yet and will probably read later.

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