Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Recently I was given the opportunity to review a great website called
Books On The House.

When you go to the site, a book of the week is posted, along with information about the book and the Author.

You enter your email address and shipping information, and once a week a winner or winners are drawn and sent a free book.

This week the book is His Border Bride by Blythe Gifford.

"Gavin Fitzjohn is the bastard son of an English prince and a Scotswoman. A rebel without a country, he has darkness in his soul.

Clare Carr, daughter of a Scottish border lord, can recite the laws of chivalry, and knows Gavin has broken every one.

Clare is gripped by desire for this royal rogue— could he be the one to unleash everything she has tried so hard to hide? These persuasive urges have stayed safely dormant—until now…."

This definitely peaked my interest, and I really hope I win!!!

Books On The House also has a
kids site. The book this week is called About The Agency: A Spy In The House.

"It is May 1858, the beginning of London’s “Great Stink” — a blend of river pollution and heat wave that paralyzes the city. Tucked in the attic of a nondescript girls’ boarding school is the Agency, an intelligence service with a difference: it’s an elite, all-female group of private investigators with a reputation for getting things done. And it’s just hired a hotheaded, 17-year-old ex-thief whose on-the-job training goes completely wrong…

New agent Mary Quinn’s task is to pose as a lady’s companion and observe a merchant suspected of smuggling. But this straightforward assignment goes awry when Mary gets impatient and exceeds her mandate. Almost immediately, she finds competition in the shape of James Easton, an arrogant young man who’s doing some snooping of his own. They first tangle — literally — in a closet.

When pressed, Mary reluctantly joins forces with James. But as useful as the partnership may be, it’s also dangerous: their mutual attraction threatens to distract them from the real secrets of the merchant’s household. Eventually, they reveal a plot that threatens James’s life, as well as Mary’s own dark secrets…"

I am really excited that I got to review this site. I joined their email list, so I can receive an email each time a new book comes available.

I really hope I win His Border Bride, but if I don't, I am buying it anyway!!!

Stop and take a look at the sites. You wont be sorry.

1 comment:

katsrus said...

I really like this site. A friend emailed me about it. I haven't won anything yet but; I keep trying. Have you been on Booktrib? I won a book the first week I did the giveaway. Interesting site.
Sue B

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