Friday, March 12, 2010


I cant believe we are already into week 9!!! Please leave a comment below if you are a new follower. I will return the favor!!!!

One last reminder that I have a Bath and Body Works giveaway going on until 11:59pm Today (March 12th). Dont forget to enter!!!!

Here's the link!!

MckLinky Blog Hop


dustinnikki said...

Thanks for following. Following back!


Kelly L said...

Nice to meet you- from a new follower

USCGWifey said...

Following back! Thanks for stopping by! HAPPY FF!! :)

Rondi said...

New follower! Happy Friday Follow!!! Have a great weekend!

ThinkFeminist said...

Happy Friday Follow. I am your latest follower, you can also follow me at

See you around!

Tonya said...

Happy Friday! Thanks for following me. I'm following you now. :-)

Housewife Eclectic said...

I new follower from Friday follow! Check me out at Housewife Eclectic!

I really love your blog. It is beautiful!

beadsandmorebylois said...

Hi happy Friday Follow! Hope you have a great weekend. Lois x

Penniless Parenting said...

Happy Friday Follow! I'm your latest follower.

Audrey said...

Good morning!
I am your newest follower :)
Have a wonderful day and hope your youngest has an amazing birthday!!

Audrey said...

Oh - I grabbed your button and added it to the right sidebar with some of my other favorite FF blogs!

Organic Girl said...

Happy Friday Follow From Organic Girl and Todays Diva:)

Lafe's Hidden Treasures said...

I am a Friday Follow and can't wait to visit more to get it all in.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by! I am following you back. Happy Friday!

Nicole Marie said...

I am in LOVE with your background!!!! Oh ya, i'm a new follower as well..nice to "meet" you!


Angie G. said...

Hello, love the background, makes me want to go stick my feet in some sand:) New Friday Follower. Hope you are having a great day!


Andria said...

What a cute blog! Happy Friday follow! Have a great day!

Freely Living Life said...

Good morning! Happy Friday.

I'm a returning follower from FF!

Please stop by and visit us today. :)

Kyrstin said...

Thanks for following me - I am following you back. Have a great weekend.

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said...

Happy #FF!!! Following your blog now

Krymsen said...

Happy Follow Friday!
I'm your latest follower :)

Jaime said...

Your site is very cute and fun looking!
I'm following you now!
Happy Friday Follow!

Anonymous said...

following back :)

Donnetta said...

Thanks for following! I'm following back!

Unknown said...

Your blog really is fun! Love the bright colors....

Happy Friday~
Following you now!

Lisa @ All That and a Box of Rocks

Kelley said...

HI from FF!

Have a great weekend.

Michelle Faith said...

Hey, droping by from Friday follow, I'm a new follower. Happy to meet new blogging friends! Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea!! It's great to visit your colorful, beautiful blog. Looking forward to following!!

wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy Friday Follow :)

bizzimommiofboyz said...

Happy Follow Friday...

Following You From

Hope You Drop By!

Heather said...

Thank you for visiting my little blog. Happy Friday Follow!

Kim said...

Thanks for stopping by today. I'm already a follower of yours and I appreciate the follow you gave me. :)

The Misplaced Midwesterner

Ron Cooper said...

Found your nice blog on Friday Follow, and am following you on Google Friends Connect. Check out my blog of inspirational stories and poems, and follow back if you would like.


Matthew T. said...

Blogging is fun, I like your layout, it's cool. I shall follow your blog now!

VKT said...

I found your blog on Friday Follow! Have a great week-end!

CC said...

I'm here via Follow Friday..and it's ever so nice to meet you. Your blog has a wonderful look..I have become a follower and will be back to look theough your blog more. Come visit and follow..hope you have a most wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! you were my 201st follower! So I'm returning the favor and following you! Happy belated FF! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the follow. I have returned the favor. Great blog!

fancygrlnancy said...

THanks for the follow! I am following back now. I know how you feel about your baby being a year old already. Mine is almost 2 and I can't believe it.

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