SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Survivor Fantasy Game

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Survivor Fantasy Game

I wish I had thought of this!!!!

Adventures of a Wanna Be Supah Mommy has come up with a fun game for Survivor Fans. She is having 19 people each claim a contestant on the new season of Survivor Hereos Vs Villains. Then each week she will play along. The sole survivor wins a prize. I really like this idea. I wanted to play along with her game, but she already had all her contestants. :(

So since her game is full, I was wondering if my followers would like to play along on here?? We will make it really simple. If I get 19 people to want to join, each person will pick a Survivor. Each week I will post who is voted out. At the end of the game, we will have a prize for the sole survivor.

Sence this will be my first "giveaway," I will make the prize something awesome!!!!

**** My Husband and I deceided that a $25 gift card to Amazon would be a good start!!! I will think of some other things to add to the pot. Of course just like in the game show, the first runner up needs a prize too!!!! Cant wait to see who wins!!!! ****
Please let me know what you think. We will let the contestants pick their survivor character in the order they comment below.

Here is a list of who we think is on the new season. I will update the list if characters change.

I think this will be alot of fun, and I hope you all do too!!!!


Rubert Boneham- (Taken)
Colby Donaldson- (Taken)
Cirie Fields- (Taken)Amanda Kimmel- (Taken)
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper- (Taken)Stephanie LaGrossa- (Taken)
James "JT" Thomas- (Taken)Tom Westman- (Taken)
Candice Woodcock- (Taken)

Tyson Apostol- (Taken)
Randy Bailey- (Taken)
Sandra Diaz Twine- (Taken)
Danielle DiLorenzo- (Taken)
Russell Hantz- (Taken)
Jerri Manthey- (Taken)
"Boston" Rob Mariano- (Taken)
Parvati Shallow- (Taken)
Ben "Coach" Wade- (Taken)Courtney Yates- (Taken)

More information to follow. We do ask that if you want to play, you be a follower on our site!!!

Thank you Wanna Be Supah Mommy for the great idea!!!!


Mass Hole Mommy said...

I wanna play, but I want Boston Rob :) LOL!!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Since you are first to comment, you got him!!! Good luck!!!!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

lol ! Have fun !!

Sarah Coulsey said...

My new friend Supah Mommy has taken Colby!!!! Good luck!!!!

Lea C. said...

I'll play. I'll take JT. Following you back BTW.

Smart Money Mom said...

Cute idea! Courtney Yates and I am following you back!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Thank you Lea, you have JT!!! Good Luck!!!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Thank you Smart Money Mom, and you have Courtney!!!! Good luck!!! I will let everyone know the prize soon!!!!

bustermama said...

I am a follower, I want Rubert Boneham.

Sarah Coulsey said...

Ok Bustermama you got Rubert!!!! Thank you for following!!!!

sheila said...

Oooo, lol...I'll take
Jerri Manthey...or Russell Hantz. He's so devious and I couldn't stand him at first, but he's pretty skilled at the game.

Sarah Coulsey said...

I can give you either one Sheila!!!! Which would you prefer??

Tracie said...

I don't have time for the Survivor thing right now. But it's a great idea.

I'm returning your follow. Nice to "meet" you!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Thanks Tracie. Nice to meet you as well!!!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Hi Sarah thanks for stopping by today it's nice to meet you. I am following you back :)

Missy | Literal Mom said...

I'll take Russell if Sheila doesn't. If not, I'll take Tom. What a fun idea!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Ok, Sheila I have given you Jerri, Mavericks Mommy (who I deleted by accident sorry) has Russell, and Missy I gave you Tom. I hope that is ok with everyone!!!! Good Luck. I cant wait to see how this plays out!!!!

Kimberly said...

Great idea!

sheila said...

Cool!, lol. This is gonna be fun. It's like going on survivor but being able to eat regular food and pee in your own bathroom.

Like fun camping!
btw, thanks for finding both my blogs Ma Vie Folle ..and.. My Wellness Blog... I appreciate it! :)

mavericks_mommy said...

Its ok about deleting my comment but I would like to have russell!!! Thanks and good luck everyone this should be a good season!!!!!!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Dont worry Maverick's Mommy, you got Russell!!! Good luck and have fun!!!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Sheila, I agree!!!! I dont think I could get used to leaves!!!! Good luck!!!

Pam Bowers said...

I'll take Sugar. If she's still available.

Sarah Coulsey said...

You got Sugar Pam!!! Good luck!!!!

Missy | Literal Mom said...

Thanks for the follow! I followed you yesterday!

paperology said...

I'll Stephanie - she's a stong player!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Paperology you got Stephanie!!! Good luck!!!!

Unknown said...

I would love to play along. I'll take Parvati Shallow if it's still open. thanks.

Sarah Coulsey said...

Kari you have Parvati!!! Good luck!!!

Jinxy and Me said...

I would take Tyson if he's still available. Fun game!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Jinxy you got Tyson. Thank you for following, and good luck!!!!

Susan Cook said...

I will take Ben "Coach" Wade

Ashley E said...

Sounds like fun! I'll take Cirie Fields.

halfstitched said...

ohh, Can I have Amanda?

Sandy S said...

I just found your blog throug hFriday Follow. I would love to join in th efun. Haven't seen the new survivor show so I am shooting the dark. Can I have Sandra Diez Twine if available??

Otherwise just sign me up for someone. Sounds like fun!

Sarah Coulsey said...

Thank you all for joining our game!!!!

Sue has Coach
Ashley has Cirie
HalfStitched has Amanda
Smart Cents has Sandra!!

Good luck everyone!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna play, I am following you.
I guess I will take Candace, I don't like being a Villain.

Let me know if I am in.

Sarah Coulsey said...

Buttons and Bows, you got Candace!!!! Good luck and thank you for following!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you and I am tickled to be involved.

Love the show.

Cannot wait until it starts.


the_oreo_88 said...

I'll pick Danielle DiLorenzo! She sounds wickedly fun....


Sarah Coulsey said...

Sorry Becky, Danielle has been taken. I still have Randy left if you would like him??

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