**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given an all expense paid trip to NYC to visit the set of the movie while it was being filmed, thanks to Disney**
“Like” DELIVERY MAN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ DeliveryManMovie
DELIVERY MAN releases in theaters on November 22nd!
When I started my website almost four years ago (I know can you believe it's been that long!!) I never would have thought I would get to meet celebrities because of it. I truly never EVER thought I would get to be lucky enough to meet them more then once!!
When I went to New York last December to visit the set of the Delivery Man movie, I got to interview Cobie Smulders, again!!! That's right I got to talk to her for a second time. I met her last May when I went to the premiere of The Avengers.
Cobie is a beautiful and super friendly women. When I heard she was staring opposite Vince Vaughn in this movie, I knew the two would make a terrific pair!!
Cobie plays Vince's girlfriend who turns out to be pregnant. She soon learns that Vince has over 500 other children!! Now she is caught up in all the drama!!
After watching Cobie and Vince act out a scene, we were given the chance to ask her some questions.
Did you do any research for this role?
"I did actually. I met this guy when I was doing press for another movie and he works at the 34th Street Precinct. He said just come in and look around and talk to some people. He was super sweet. He took me around and then I also met a woman who was a single mom, and that was really interesting because it’s possibly the hardest job."
Has there been a favorite scene you've shot?
"Yes. We did a great scene in a park. We've been shooting a lot in Brooklyn, actually. I think all of our locations, at least the ones I've been involved in, have been in Brooklyn. We shot in this park surrounded by these old brownstones."
As a mother yourself, have you taken your personal life into the character? Finding out you’re pregnant?
"Yes, of course. It definitely helped. I think that you worry when you don’t have kids, and you think you understand what it’s like to be a mom, but being a mom is a totally different thing."
Was it hard to go from The Avengers to a movie like this?
"Well I do get to play a cop in this movie, so that is sort of a nice halfway point. I am going to be in uniform for the next scene. They’re both very strong independent women so that’s a similarity. I feel The Avengers is different because so much of it was not real. This is more relationship based."
After the interview, Cobie was kind enough to take a picture with all of us!! Aren't we cute!!!
Thank you Cobie, and I can not wait to see the movie out November 22nd!!
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given an all expense paid trip to NYC to visit the set of the movie while it was being filmed, thanks to Disney**

This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England. This post may contain affiliate links.

1 comment:
Love her, more from How I Met Your Mother, but mostly because she's Canadian!!
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