Happy Howlidays!
I love the holiday season — the Christmas lights, trees, the yummy food, and of course, all of the festivities! You know who else loves them too? My baby, Kevin. I'm thinking it may be because of all the extra lovin' and gifts he gets from the family.
It turns out that I'm not the only pet mama to spoil her pup during this time of year. That's why I love this super cute website called TheNosePrint.com from Big Heart Pet Brands (the makers of Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Canine Carry Outs, and Milo's Kitchen). They really know how to celebrate the holidays with your pup!
On TheNosePrint.com, check out some of the fun doggy do-it-yourself ideas they've dreamed up:
My favorite was the Treat-Stuffed Stocking!!
My boys have been asking what they can make for the pups in our life (there are 7!!) I think these will be cute!!
I'm also loving the homemade paw-print ornament. I've seen these with children's handprints before. Why not have your fur child make an ornament too?
Other great homemade doggy gifts include a treat bouquet, a sweet treat jar, and a ho-ho-howliday treat bag. Yes, Kevin would want them all.
The NosePrint.com also asked 3,000 Americans about their dog-related holiday habits, including whether their dog is involved in gift-giving, stocking-stuffing, Christmas sweater-wearing, and other holiday traditions. Kevin personally gives all the gifts in our house. He's so thoughtful!!
What they found is that Americans really LOVE their pets. For instance, did you know 71% of dog parents give gifts to their pups? Have you completed your Christmas doggy shopping yet?
According to the survey, here are the top 5 reasons people give gifts to their dog:
1. To express love to my dog: 72%
2. Because it's fun for me: 60%
3. To help my dog feel included like a family member: 54%
4. To give my dog a moment of happiness: 53%
5. To feel closer and bond with my dog: 43%
For me, I like to give presents to Kevin because of all of these reasons, and because he's just plain awesome! He's such an important part of the family — I can't imagine the holidays without him.
The study also shared how often dogs are included into popular Christmas traditions:
1. 48% of dog parents hang a Christmas stocking for their dog. (Yes I do!!)
2. 43% of dog parents include a dog in a photo for a family holiday card. (Yes I do!!)
3. 32% post photos of their dog on social media with a holiday message. (Yes I do!!)
4. 29% dress up their dog in a holiday-themed costume or outfit. (Yes I do!!)
5. 22% make or buy dog-themed holiday decorations. (Yes I do!!)
For photos and instructions on how to add more dog-related fun to your home holiday traditions, check out these cool projects they have here:
Finally, want to know which states have the most spoiled pups?
The 2015 TheNosePrint.com Santa Dog Index ranks states based on how much, on average, dog parents will spend on their furry kids: (I am shocked Massachusetts is not number 1!!)
Top 10 States That Spend the Most on Holiday Gifts for Dogs:
1. New Jersey: $29.61 (average gift spending per dog for state residents)
2. New York: $28.95
3. Pennsylvania: $28.75
4. Utah: $27.75
5. Georgia: $27.04
6. California: $26.07
7. Washington: $25.81
8. Florida: $25.13
9. Illinois: $24.98
10. Virginia: $24.58
Apparently, it's good to be a dog in the New York tri-state area. You can find the complete rankings of all 50 states at www. TheNosePrint.com.
The good folks at TheNosePrint.com would love to offer one of my readers a terrific Christmas doggy care package filled with some of the most delicious stocking stuffer treats for your baby!!
Enter using the rafflecopter form below, and good luck!!

This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England. This post may contain affiliate links.