This event will take place from April Fool's Day (April 1st) at 12:01am est through April 7th at 11:59pm est. No foolin'!
Make sure you enter the Grand prize here
For this giveaway, I have two prize packages. One package is awesome (worth $50) The other package is a zonk (to coin a phrase from Let's Make A Deal!)
The catch in entering is you won't know what is in the packages or which package you will get if you win!!!
So enter below if you dare!!! lol
Happy April Fools!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Please note that Sarah's Blog Of Fun, “Fool 4 You Giveaway Event” or the “Fool 4 You” bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes. We have represented each sponsor with the expectation they will fulfill their prize and in a timely manner. We will contact the sponsor regarding your prize(s). The sponsors, in most cases, are shipping their items to you directly. We will make every effort to assist you obtaining your prize. If there is an issue with a sponsor, please notify the blog you won a prize from within 4-6 weeks for assistance, after that we may be unable to assist you.

I hope it's a Gift Card! eclairre at ymail dot com
I think the "zonk" prize would be a simple easter card!
I think the good prize is a Kindle!
I think the zonk prize is Peeps!
good prize 50.00 gc for
zonk prize is easter candy
A gift card or paypal.
The Zonk? Funky glasses.
I think the good prize is an Amazon gc.
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!
A gift certificate is always a great prize.
Goodness knows I love to shop!
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. ~Pauline
The Zonk prize should be an ebook that is so boring it works as a sleeping pill :-)
Good prize should be amazon gift card or paypal
Zonk prize is probably some kind of easter candy or bunny
good prize maybe an amazon certificate
msboatgal at
zonk a bag of jelly beans
msboatgal at
gift card
I think the good prize with be some Easter candy, bunny, & GC. The zonk prize maybe some Easter Bunny poop. LOL.
Sue B
makeup or candy!!!
I hope the Good prize is some Gift Card!!!
Thank you for the chance!
a book
I hope that the Zonk Prize is some Easter Bunny!!!
Thank you for the chance!
Gerald Butler?? lol!
hmm the zonk prize can be shipping peanuts ;)
paypal cash would be great
sandy1955 at comcast dot net
A Kindle would be nice
Zonk woukd be a toliet brush
Pay Pal GC or a jewelry set.
Peeps or a 5$ GC
The good prize is a $50 amazon card.
The bad prize is a book.
Good Prize: Gift card
primabee at hotmail dot com
Zonk: Something from the dollar store like bubbles or a small easter themed trinket.
primabee at hotmail dot com
I think the big prize is a gift card
I think the zonk prize is a package of Peeps.
I hope the good prize is an Amazon gift card!
I think the Zonk prize is a box of packing peanuts.
I think the good prize is an Amazon GC or Paypal cash.
I think the zonk prize is some toothpaste
Your button is on my blog at
A prepaid gift card or paypal money!
belinda mcnabb
I think the zonk prize would be play money
belinda mcnabb
amazon GC
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
a pair of socks
catherine0807 at hotmail dot com
hmm.. I think the good prize is an amazon gift card worth $50?
ksceviour at hotmail dot com
hmm..the zonk prize is a pair of underwear.?
ksceviour at hotmail dot com
I'd love a stroller! Or a gift card. Or a Reese Peanut Butter cup!
Connie Gruning
CGruning at aol(dot)com
Zonk prize is a gift card with no money on it??
Connie Gruning
CGruning at aol(dot)com
a GC to somewhere awesome would be great for the great prize
hrm for the zonk prize it would be one earing
I would love the good prize to be a gift card or gift certificate.
Zonk prize, something mismatched or dollar store trinkets
I am thinking it might be amazon GC
i want the good prize to be paypal
zonk might be a Easter yummy, like chocolate.
I'm guessing the good prize is an Amazon giftcard. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
i want the zonk prize to be....a bag of samples or coupons!
The Zonk prize is an ugly pair of socks. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
A great "good prize" would be a gift card (especially Amazon)
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com
The Zonk prize - a really old magazine!
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com
I hope it is amazon or cash lol
Zonk could be a tshirt?
the good prize is a target gc
the zonk is broccoli
Id like the good one to be somethign for me. Bubble baths? Cloth pads? gift card?
amymccarty at hotmail dot com
The zonk prize could be coal? Maybe a funny drawing?
amymccarty at hotmail dot com
Amazon GC would be a great "good prize"
Tracy Awalt Juliano
ohsopetite1 at yahoo
Zonk prize could be my ex husband
Tracy Awalt Juliano
ohsopetite1 at yahoo
I hope the good prize includes chocolate!
I think the Zonk prize is an empty gift card
Good prize, Beauty gift
rierie11booger (@)
Zonk gift, coupons
rierie11booger (@)
For the "Good" Gift - a restaurant gift card (Chili's, Outback, Olive Garden, ect.) or an Amazon Gift card would be neat. :-)
"Zonk" prize - maybe some funny strange kids toy? :-P
I love think geek, especially their t-shirts - I like the geek-o meter that lights up when 'geeks' come near.
I think the zonk prize would be a 2011 calendar with bunnies on it,
Some form of cash prize.
Maybe some candy.
I'm thinking a gift card or maybe Paypal cash.
The zonk prize might be something like empty candy wrappers.
A New CAR!!!
I think the zonk prize is Cereal
My GFC name: Mrs. Kathy Davis
My FB name: Kathy newsom Davis
Kathy Davis
Good Prize - I hope it is baby items. We are expecting our 1st grand baby in August!
Kathy Davis
Zonk Prize - Boogie Wipes
Kathy Davis
a cash
I think/hope it is a giftcard!
landfjacobson @
The Zonk...hmm...maybe some used birthday candles? LOL
landfjacobson @
I think/hope its maybe a giftcard to Amazon or someplace online. :)
landfjacobson @
I think the Awesome giveaway might be a gift card...
Perhaps the Zonk is a used candle, but if it is candy, I'd be happy! Thanks and Happy Easter!
$50 PayPal would be cool.
Zonk prize is probably $50 worth of SPAM lunch meat.
Blog post
I hope the good prize is either Amazon or Paypal gift cards.
I think the Zonk prize might be a pack of toilet paper. Haha
Some sort of GC for the good one!
:( I don't like zonks!
A Gift Card would make me happy!
The Zonk prize might be a card with a note that says: You've been Zonked.
I think the good prize should be an Amazon GC. My guess for the zonk is a bag full of used Easter basket grass! ;)
hping for an giftcard
zonk prize could be expired coupons!
I would love for the good prize to be Paypal cash!
The zonk prize? Hmmmm... maybe an empty envelope?
i hope its gift cards
i think it may be beauty supplies or gift cards
I would want the good prize to be chocolate.
In keeping with my good prize the zonk prize would be vegetables.
People came up with some great ideas. Mine is pretty boring but I'd really like an Amazon GC to go towards the Kindle Fire that I've been wanting! Thanks for the chances.
swak50 at hotmail dot com
I don't know anything about "zonk prizes" but it will probably be pretty hilarious (given your blog). I'll say a roll of toilet paper. Got that for my birthday one year but that's another story. I'm turning 40 this month so maybe I'll pull it out and blog about it.
swak50 at hotmail dot com
I am hoping that the "good" prize will be a gift card of some sort (like Amazon or Visa/AmEx)!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Not sure WHAT to think the Zonk will be -- but I am hoping that it is something REALLY funny!
kitty32504 at cox dot net
Good prize is probably paypal or gift card
zonk prize will be a chocolate egg)))
Your button is on my left sidebar:
I hope the good prize is an amazon giftcard!
I think maybe the zonk prize is something small and funny like a container of bubbles!
I hope the good prize is a gift card
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I think the bad prize is a plastic egg
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Well, it would be fantastic to win an Amazon gift code or some PayPal cash -- could the good prize be one of those? ;)
The zonk prize... Hmm. What is the Easter bunny version of a lump of coal (or reindeer 'poop', LOL)? Black jelly beans? :P
Good prize will be a $50 Amazon GC.
Thanks for the contest.
Zonk will be a bunch of expired coupons.
Maybe a GC or some Easter candy.
mia at jacobsracing dot com
The zonk prize could be a box of air.
Have your button on my blog:
GFC: slehan
stumbled: slehan
Zonk will be a Lindt Chocolate Bunny!
i would love the Zonk to be a GC to Amazon or Target.
Hmm ... maybe the Good prize is a Starbucks GC? So I can treat myself?
The zonk prize could just be an empty box. Cheaper shipping!
A good prize would be a gift card
A zonk prize would be a piece of broken jewelry
Hmm.. Zonk prize would be a bag of generic candy (not really bad but not really great either)
Best prize would be a Kindle or something of that sort, but I would love a GC too
A gift Card for Amazon.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Shredded paper that goes in Easter baskets
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I hope it's Paypal Cash or a Gift Card.
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com
I box of play money!!!
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com
A GC would be good, or coupons maybe
I hope it's a Gift Card!
tnrina at gmail dot com
I think the Zonk prize is play money in play coins.
tnrina at gmail dot com
Blogged about your giveaway
tnrina at gmail dot com
I hope the good prize is a gift card. I would be especially happy if it was a gift for
the imagine tree at aol dot com
I think the Zonk prize will be a rabbit's foot.
the imagine tree at aol dot com
gift card for walmart good prize
zonk is candy
I'm hoping the good prize is a GC!
Zonk is probably nothing...
Good Prize I hope is a huge gift basket!
A pack of Peeps.
I think paypal$ would be an awesome giveaway prize
I think the zonk prize is a whistle or small toy of some sort that you would find in a party bag
I always like food - chocolate would be good :)
The zonk prize? "Nothing! You so stupid!"
I hope the good prize is a gift card.
zonk prize...
a wooden nickel !!
The good prize should be money! Thanks!
The bad prize could be dirt lol... Thanks!
The good prize, a GC to Amazon or Old Navy or Target or get the idea! LOL
tvpg at aol dot com
The zonk, a woopie cushion or fake dog poo! ;-)
tvpg at aol dot com
SU link since the widget won't log me in:
tvpg at aol dot com
I think the good prize is candy. I like surprises!
I think the zonk prize is some not so great coupons.
A GC for the good prize
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
A $5 GC for the Zonk
Gladys P
sps1113 at yahoo dot com
I think the good prize is a $50 to Eden Fantasys. Neat giveaway. Thanks.
I think the Zonk prize is a set of coupons.
fromfurrin at gmail dot com
a good prize to me would be a gift card or paypal
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
Gift card would be a nice prize! :)
Have no idea what the Zonk prize is :)
I think the good prize is either a gift card or PayPal cash. :D
I think the Zonk prize is candy.
Good prize, it'd be cool if it were cash, hehe! Perhaps some beauty products?
Zonk: Well..since it is spring time and it's time for growing. Perhaps some dirt!
I think the good prize is a gift card.
I think the bad prize is a bag of all black jelly beans!
I think the "good" prize is a Target gift card. crossing fingers.
Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com)
I think the zonk would be an empty easter egg. ;)
Leslie Galloway (LesGalloway //at// hotmail //dot// com)
The good prize should be a gift card.
Rafflecopter: Tara Woods
The good I think should be a Gift Card
trublujo at hotmail dot com
The zonk Is a chocolate bunny cause you wouldnt be mean to us
trublujo at hotmail dot com
I'd love it to be a box of random things. A little of this...a little of that.
As for the zonk... maybe an empty box. Or half a pack of gum lol
something you won in the past
desi the blonde at msn dot com
I hope the good gift is an amazon gift card or some beauty products!
I think the zonk is sour candy!
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