SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Take Three Tuesday Blog Hop

Monday, October 10, 2011

Take Three Tuesday Blog Hop

Who doesn't want or need more followers?? This is my twenty ninth week with a Linky hop, and so far so good!!! I am meeting a lot of great bloggers!!

I am making this hop a little different then other peoples.

You can include all three of your accounts (blog, twitter and facebook) Please use the format I used with my accounts.

Follow as many peoples accounts as you want. Just make sure to leave a comment on their blog saying you are following from Take Three Tuesday, and what accounts of theirs you are following.

Each week, I will pick one random entry in the linky to win a small prize!!

So spread the word and lets try to make Take Three Tuesday a big deal!!!

Last weeks winner is............

Little Love

Please email me your address and I will get your prize out to you!!!

~~Winners- please respond with in one week. Thank you~~


jessicaclarke said...

New follower from the hop, thanks!

Quirky Homemaker said...

New follower and new to the hop! Thanks for hosting!
Finding My Heartfelt Balance
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Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

Skylar Magazine said...

Hi, I'm Sarah, I'm a new follower and new to your hop. I'm following through GFC and liked your FB page. Thanks:)

Amy @ Motherhood and Miscellany said...

I'm a new follower. I found you on Arizona Mama. Thanks for hosting this hop! - Amy (Motherhood and Miscellany)

QueensNYCMom said...

New follower pls follow me back via GFC, FB, Twitter and NetworkedBlogs

About JollyJilly said...

hi im a new follower from the blog hop
really enjoyed your blog and would love it if you could visit me anytime

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