With so few teams left, none of them can afford anymore mistakes!!
Gary and Mallory were very lucky last week. I hope they can recover.
I would love to travel like the teams do. I wouldn't want to sleep and miss anything. How often do you ever get the chance to visit all those places!!
Lol, at least it is a motorized bike they ride to measure the countries size!!
I hate math, and I feel horrible for Gary and Mallory trying to figure it out.
Those bikes look like fun!!
Poor Jet has to go back and start all over!!
That was nice of Zev and Justin to give the Globe Trotters a correct total.
Poor Jet and Cord have a lot of catching up to do!!
That's a lot of cheese to eat!!
The luggage challenge sounds just as hard though.
Just looking at all that cheese makes my tummy sick!!!
Kent is such a wimp!! Oh my, I want to hit him!!
Flight Time and Big Easy had the right idea with the luggage. Take it all at once!!
Poor Zev and Justin must be having a hard time walking after all that cheese!!
Zev and Justin are nice not to u-turn anyone. I would feel horrible doing that. Kisha and Jenn did the same thing. That was nice.
Poor Flight Time and Big Easy loosing two tags. That's not good!!
Ok now I don't feel bad for the globetrotters. That was cruel, u-turning the cowboys, and unnecessary.
I hate to say goodbye to Jet and Cord. They were one of my favorite teams!!
So on that note, I need to say goodbye to The Holleys. Thank you for playing.
Flight Time and Big Easy-TAKEN BY SMART CENTS MOM
Kent and Vyxsin-TAKEN BY ELIE
LaKisha and Jennifer-TAKEN BY DEBBIE
Zev and Justin-TAKEN BY TARA
I was so sad to see the cowboys go, especially since Flight Time, and Gary actually didn't figure it out on their own for the distance on the little scooters, and got their answers. I think the cowboys are just GREAT, I hope they come on again :) I can't get enough of them!!
I came to follow you back (finally) but I already follow you every way I see possible!
Maybe you'll link up with my new Super STALKER Sunday and you can do the same with others and vice versa? I can't wait! I think this Blog Hop will be HUGE!
I also should mention that I have a FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory that has at least a dozen blogs listed for every day of the week. No kidding! Come and check it out and thanks again for the follow! : )
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