Friday, September 10, 2010


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"The Flexi-8 is an attractive, flexible, durable and comfortable alternative to the plastic Claw clip.

It has been hailed as everything from the "wonder bra for hair" to a "god-send".

The Flexi-8 has become so popular via word-of-mouth, blogs and boards that we have shipped to over 39 different countries all over the globe.

Only found at Craft Shows, Festivals and the company websites, the Flexi-8 is virtually unheard far"

I was very excited to get to try the Flexi-8.

I have very thick hair. To try and tame my main, I have to use four different products every time I wash it, and it still is very thick!!!

I was sent 5 Flexi-8's in various sizes. The two smaller ones would not hold up all my hair, but they looked great as little side barrettes.

The bigger ones are fabulous!! They held up my hair with no trouble what so ever!!

They are very easy to use, and very comfortable to wear.

These are some of my favorite designs from their site.

Princess Tiara dangle with tiny heart beadwork-

Perfect Purple stone cluster with matching beadwork-

Curls and swirls adorned with black and pearls-

"Here is our bio:
We've been in the hair goods business since 1992 when my wife wanted that first pair of beaded chopsticks. She bought the materials to make them, but then decided to go get the expensive ones at Nordstrom instead. I took her materials, fascinated by what they were selling for, and started making them myself in the garage. Enthusiastic, admiring friends bought them up. Suppliers referred us to contacts with major retailers nationwide and several million pairs later, everlasting success was assured........almost.

Trials and tribulations ensued, the product line expanded and contracted, and we lived life utterly dependent on what huge retailers sold or didn't sell for us. After 9/11 things got even tougher, and we retracted into the "lean times" I call it the black years-where we literally couldn't make rent. It was as if everything I tired failed. My Wife Missy, finally had had enough and sent me into the garage with instructions to, "pull out some of your old beads and wire, make something and go sell it......NOW or else" All Husbands know what "or else" means!!

I had so much raw inventory left over from my seven years of trying to make a go of big retailers and as fate would have it, one of the products I had the most materials for was the Flexi-8 clip.

I quickly began assembling product for a weekend marketplace near our home. I went to the marketplace with barely enough capital to get in, buy a hot dog and get home. By the end of the first weekend I had left with over $1,000. At the time, it was so significant. It represented hope. Tears and Joy followed. The real epiphany came when I realized I had kept doing the same thing for years and expected a different result. I now had a road map. I understood that no one would understand really how good my products were unless I demonstrated them.

Need for more financial stability led me to experiment with sales at a local farmers market where I quickly confirmed all the benefits, and potential, of direct selling. Then another moment of truth unfolded before me: I wanted to do an event but I couldn't be in two places at once. My friend, Shannon, suggested she would cover the Farmers Market if I wanted to do another event. Another "ah-ah" moment....duplicate my effort without cloning!

Thus, I sowed the seeds of a whole different way of distribution for our company without the impersonal retail shopping experience. Product demonstration, instant customer feedback, immediate cash results! Wow! A whole new world opened up, and with utility patent in hand, I set out to spread my enthusiasm for the Flexi-8 clip directly to others. They have responded all over the world. We have shipped to over 38 Countries! And without the willingness of my wife Missy to allow me to follow this path, the amazing life we share might not have materialized."

I really like the Flexi-8 Clips, and I think you will too.

I am glad to get to give one reader a chance to win two Flexi-8 Clips thanks to Flexi-8 and Tomoson.

Mandatory Entry-

1. Head over to Flexi-8's site, watch the sizing video and tell me the size(s) you would want if you won. (+1 entry)

Extra Entries-

1. Tell me what your favorite design is.
(+1 entry)

2. Tell me what your favorite hair style is. (+1 entry)

3. Grab my BRAND NEW button and tell me where it is (+1 entry)

4. Be an email subscriber of my blog (+2 entries)

5. Follow me on Twitter (+1 entry)

6. Tweet about this giveaway (+1 entry)

Example- Flexi-8 makes my hair look great! @SarahsBlogOfFun

7. Blog about this giveaway and leave link in your comments (+5 entries)

8. Purchase any item(s) from Flexi-8 and let me know what you bought (+5 entries)

That's 18 possible entries!!!

Giveaway ends on September 24th 2010 at 11:59pm. Open to US and Canada readers only.
A valid email address must be in all comments. Winner has 48 hrs to respond or new winner will be drawn.

This giveaway was made possible by Flexi-8 and

* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was given Five Flexi-8 Clips in various sizes to review as compensation*

This Product Was a Free Giveaway


Unknown said...

After watching the video I think that a medium would be the best size for me Thanks for the giveaway
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My fave design is the Fairy with faceted crystal aurora borealis

Unknown said...

My fave hairstyle is the Drop Bun

Unknown said...


Julia Gabriel said...

The medium would work best for my daughter and the small for me.

Julia Gabriel said...

Love this one Intricate soaring butterfly with purple-iris metallic beads

Julia Gabriel said...

Love the half twist haristyle

katsrus said...

After watching the video I would need a small.
Sue B

katsrus said...

My favorite design is:
Perfect purple stone cluster with matching beadwork.

Sue B

katsrus said...

I wear my hair mostly in a pony tail or bun.
Sue B

katsrus said...

Email subscriber.
Sue B

katsrus said...

Follow on Twitter(katsrus2003).
Sue B

Miss Lissy said...

I think small would be the best size for me.

Jackie said...

I watched the video and think the medium is the size I would want (for my daughter). Thank you!
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I like the Windswirl center with purple-iris and green metallic beads.
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I subscribe via email #1
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I subscribe via email #2
jackievillano at gmail dot com

CyTo said...

I would have to get the x-tra large because my hair is very thick and very long!

CyTo said...

My fav design is:

Diamond shaped center with dangles in smoky topaz

CyTo said...

I like the half twist hairstyle

CyTo said...

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CyTo said...

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CyTo said...

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CyTo said...

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CyTo said...

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CyTo said...

CyTo said...

wizardewu said...

I think an extra small and medium would be good sizes for my long straight hair.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

wizardewu said...

My favorite design is the Princess tiara dangle with rose beads in antique gold.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

wizardewu said...

I like to wear my in a half-up style.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

wizardewu said...

I follow you Twitter @wizardewu
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

wizardewu said...

eugeniewu at gmail dot com

robynl said...

I need a mini for my fine thinning hair.


robynl said...

I love the butterfly with purple-iris metallic beads; perfect for this butterfly lover


robynl said...

I love the drop bun


robynl said...

e-mail subscriber #1


robynl said...

e-mail subscriber #2


robynl said...

I follow on Twitter @rlee1950


Pax (on both your houses) said...

I would like the large size.

Pax (on both your houses) said...

I like the basic ponytail.

Pax (on both your houses) said...

I like the roman style cross.

sunnymum said...

I think I'd do best with the extra small size, but I'd also like to get a medium size to share with my sister who has much thicker hair.
cbeargie at

sunnymum said...

My favorite design is the Mighty celtic knot with corrugated round beads.
cbeargie at

sunnymum said...

Following on twitter as sunnymum.

CyTo said...

CindyWindy2003 said...

with my fine hair, I would need a small 3 1/4", carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com

CindyWindy2003 said...

Benita said...

I'd definitely need a mini.


Benita said...

I love the perfect purple stone cluster with beadwork.


Benita said...

My favorite hair style would be a french bun.


Benita said...

Email subscriber.


Unknown said...

I would need to get the x-tra small for our fine hair

Unknown said...

My favorite style is usually a pony tail

Unknown said...

I subscribe in GFC 1

Unknown said...

2 I subscribe in GFC

Social Media Junkie said...

I would def. need
Extra Large
11/2+ inch

pr at sjunkie dot com

AmeliaB said...

I'd love to have a medium...these look so cool.

Glogirl said...

Based on the video, I think a size small would work best for my hair.


Glogirl said...

I like the Mighty celtic knot with daisy accents in the gold color.


Glogirl said...

I like wearing my hair up in a French Twist.


Glogirl said...

I am following you on Twitter @glogirl3


Glogirl said...



Neva said...

My favorite design is the "Island Flower with daisy beads."

Neva said...

After watching the sizing video i think the small or medium would be best for me.

Neva said...

My favorite hairstyle is definitely the French Twist.

Neva said...

Your Brand New button is on the right side bar of the page.

Neva said...

I am a email subscriber of your blog.

Emma B. said...

I'd get 2 Larges!

cheapskate4life at

Emma B. said...

I like the Open flower accented with jet beadwork because it would match with any outfit! I wear my hair up with a claw-clip every day and it always falls down and I have to fix it! These look awesome.

Emma B. said...

My fave is the French Twist!

CyTo said...

CyTo said...

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

I would need a small & medium.


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

My favorite design:
Intricate soaring butterfly with purple-iris metallic beads

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

My favorite hair style is: Tails up.

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

new button:

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

email subscriber +1

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

email subscriber +2

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

twitter follower: @laughwithleslie

livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...


livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

Small would work for me.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

I like the Hawaiian sea turtle with mix metal gold accents

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

I like pony tails

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi, if I won I'd like the small size because my hair is wavy but fine.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

My favorite design is the Windswirl center with purple-iris and green metallic beads.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

My favorite hair style is the half twist.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I'm an email subscriber to your blog.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I'm an email subscriber to your blog.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

Here's my tweet -
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Stephanie LaPlante said...

If I win, I would definitely choose the medium size.

Stephanie LaPlante said...

My favorite design is the Intriguing open heart with crystal dangles

Stephanie LaPlante said...

I subscribe to your blog by email #1

Stephanie LaPlante said...

I follow you on twitter - stephy905

Stephanie LaPlante said...


Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Stephanie LaPlante said...

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Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged #3

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged #4

Stephanie LaPlante said...

Blogged #5

doreen lamoureux said...

After seeing the video, I would choose small and medium. Pretty cool and helpful video.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

CyTo said...

CyTo said...

CyTo said...

CyTo said...

fdigsby said...

I think I would need the medium size.

fdigsby said...

I like the Floral covered heart with pink and burgundy flower beads.

fdigsby said...

I like the French twist.

fdigsby said...

email subscriber

CyTo said...

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