Friday, September 10, 2010


Well the competing event to Blogmania, Blogfest, just started today.

I personally did not do both, being that they are sooooo close to each other.

Of course I am interested to see how this event goes and what kind of great prizes there are!!

There are over 200+ blogs involved with Blogfest.

Here is a site to go to to get the complete list of blogs involved. Blogfest list.

Blogfest is open for 3 days. That should give people much needed time to enter the giveaways!!

Please let me know if any of you win anything!!!


Anonymous said...

I am so tired, i've entered alot.

katsrus said...

I spent two days entering contests that I liked. Pooped out for sure. LOL. Looking forward to the one next week.
Sue B

LB said...

I totally forgot about that. But at that link i have to sign up? I just used fake info lol Now to dive in and get this all done in 1 day :eek:

It seems like blogmania is so much better!!

LB said...

Oh man I just saw that there is a grand prize if you use that site. Better go put my real info lol

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