In case you hadn't noticed, we are Marvel Super Hero fans!! My boys were very happy when I told them we would get to have a Spider Man party!!! They were even more happy when I told them toys were involved!!
Ben Sr, Ben Jr, Doug, My Sister Erin and I went to Walmart to get the supplies for our fun filled day!!
We grabbed some delicious pizza, toys and party supplies and rushed home for the movie.
I was sent the Spider-man pre-order DVD, Blu-ray, digital copy Mask gift set. This is so cool. There are a lot of fun bonus features, and the Mask itself made the kids happy!!!
We can also watch the movie on Vudu!! is an easy to navigate site. It streams your video on your computer, iPad, Blu Ray Player or through many gaming systems. I love the fact that I can take the movie with me anywhere!!
The movie it self was really good. I loved the cast. Dennis Leary is a favorite of mine, and he was great!! The man who played the Lizard was in the movie The Replacements. I thought he was hilarious in that movie, and in Spider-Man, he did a really good job as a more dramatic actor. He is very versatile.
After watching the movie, we played with our Action Figures, and gave each other Spider-Man tattoos!!
Then we enjoyed some delicious Market Side Pizza, while we talked about the movie. If you have seen any of the other Spider-Man movies, forget about them. There are a lot of differences to this one as compared to the others.
We also had a lot of fun playing with the Spider-Man App. You can put yourself in the comic!! We used Ben Sr at first.
We also got to see the Lizard ruin our pizza. It was cute!! You can download the app on iTunes or Google Play. I highly recommend you download the app on Wifi. We learned the hard way that the app is too large to download with out it!! We were at Walmart, and ours did not have Wifi. We had to go back home, to download and then go back to Walmart!!
We had a terrific time watching the movie and just having fun!! You can get your own copy at Walmart, and learn more about the movie on Facebook and Twitter.
Oh and please check out my photos from the party on Google+.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment All opinions expressed are 100% my own. #CBias #SocialFabric #SpiderManWMT

This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England.
Cool tattoos!
Love the tattoos!
Those tattoos are cute. What a fun idea!
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