I love to shop, and I LOVE to save money. I really started ramping the savings up when Ben was laid off from the Sheriffs Dept. It was a heavy blow that we did not see coming!! I am always looking for a great deal to help my family.
When I was given the chance to show my shopping skills, at Walmart thanks to Mom Select, I was jumping for joy!!
We took a couple hours before we hit Walmart, to organize our coupons for the trip. The goal of my shopping trip was to get my HP printer ink, and then see how much I could get for $75 total.
I hate to buy printer ink. It is so expensive. Sometimes its cheaper just to buy a new printer. Luckily for me, Walmart sells my ink for $14.97!!! That is a steal!!
There are a wide variety of HP’s XL ink cartridges available at Walmart and walmart.com/HPink. You can save up to 40% on printing with HP XL ink cartridges, compared with single standard HP ink cartridges. HP’s XL ink cartridges fit in your printer like regular cartridges. XL does not mean its extra large!! Just extra good!!!
After getting my cartridge, we really took to shopping.
Take a look at all the fun things I got for less then $75!!!! $74.98 to be exact!! Thank you coupons and Walmart!!
We had a terrific time shopping, and will continue to buy our ink at Walmart!!!
How would you like to go shopping?? One lucky reader is going to win a $20 Walmart Gift Card!!!
Good Luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
**All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I was given a gift card to shop for this post thanks to MomSelect.**

This post is written by Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England.
I would buy groceries.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I would print homeschool papers.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I'd print coupons and school projects
I'd use it to get groceries
link here.http://tcarolinep.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/giveawaysarahs-blog-of-fun-3/
cat food
pictures of my pets and coupons
GFC Follower as Amy Orvin
RSS Subscriber as Google Reader as Amy Orvin
Email subscriber as 2dogs5catscrew@att.net
I'd buy Christmas gift bags, wrapping paper and ribbon.
I'd print Thanksgiving cards.
I would buy Christmas presents
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would print my coupons
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would print coupons and recipes
I might buy more ink because I am running low in colored ink
GFC; smurfette
I would buy car oil
I would print my recipes
email subscriber via email: frangiepani at hotmail dot com
blog post - http://lisaswishingwell.blogspot.com/2012/10/hp-ink-at-walmart-review-and-20-walmart.html
stumbled - http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/LisaLuBrown
RSS feed with Bloglines via email: jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
button - http://lisaswishingwell.blogspot.com/
i would buy extra groceries, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
i would print pictures of my niece, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
I need more ink for my printer! So I'd use it to buy ink
I would print coupons, that's all I ever print really. Lol
I would buy groceries
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
I would print coupons
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
buttton http://sweetqt.wordpress.com/
blogged http://sweetqt.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/walmart-sarahs-blog-of-fun/
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
I would print coupons and our upcoming family Christmas newsletter.
can always use money for Christmas gifts thanks
recipes, gift tags etc.
i would buy a sweater for the winter
i would print coupons
I would buy paper/plastic products.
I would print recipes, coupon and business docs.
trying to start Christmas shopping so every little giftcard helps :) thanks, simms3710@YAHOO.COM
I would print coupons and freebies..thanks, simms3710@yahoo.com
I would print coupons
Most likely groceries!
I would print coupons
I would probably buy groceries,or maybe a shirt for myself.:)
(Karla Sceviour)
I would probably print coupons!!
(Karla Sceviour)
Jen Boehme
Believe it or not, I need tri-color ink for my printer!
Jen Boehme
I print coupons and papers I need to copy.
I'd use the card for Christmas gifts
we'd print my son's school papers
i would buy ink debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
i would print school papers debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I would get a baby shower gift.
I would print coupons.
I would buy a christmas present for my niece. Thanks!
I would print coupons and papers for school. Thanks!
Some Christmas decorations.
I would print coupons, recipes, school projects and church flyers.
I would buy decorations for my holiday party.
primabee at hotmail dot com
I would use the ink to print coupons.
primabee at hotmail dot com
i'd let my son print the awards that he gets for winning games online
buy tape and staples and other office supplies
print out my shopping list and kids homework
I would give this as a gift.Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
I would print coupons. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
I'd buy groceries with a gift card
CINDY B on rafflecopter
button at www.someluckydog.blogspot.com
CINDY B on rafflecopter
I'm always printing coupons and recipes. My grandson uses my printer when he needs one for his homework.
CINDY B on rafflecopter
I would save it closer to Christmas time then I'd use it on my uncle and cousins, I am sponsoring them for Christmas, my aunt died (their mom and his wife) back on September 14th. The kids are 8 and 13, they are having a hard time just getting by.
Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com
I would print coupons and coloring pages for my son.
Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com
i would buy costumes with the gift card
i would print coupons with the ink
I would buy toys for my grandchildren.
I would probably print coupons since I love to use them.
I would buy Christmas presents for my daughters!
I would print out coloring pages for and homeschool preschool worksheets for my youngest daughter!
I would buy groceries :0)
Oh, and my GFC name is June L
I would print coupons and anything else that comes up
I would buy some HP ink - we have three HP printers in our home (one uses the HP 60 & 61 cartridges, actually), and it seems like one or more is usually out or close to out of black or color. *eyeroll*
I'd print coupons! I regularly print coupons from coupons.com and target.com/coupons, so I wouldn't mind having additional ink to print with.
I would actually buy more printer ink - I've been printing too many coupons!
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
I would print even more coupons!
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
I would buy groceries.
I think I'd print coupons--
I would buy Christmas gifts.
Following on GFC as Shay
I would mostly print coupons :)
I'd use it for a Christmas gift.
I'd print coupons and print up letters to my penpal.
I posted this giveaway on my blog.
I would use it towards Christmas presents!!!
I would buy paper products.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'd print more coupons
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
We buy a lot of ink in the household, so if I won, I'd probably buy new ink cartridges for my printer. Thanks for the contest!
I use a lot of ink when printing shipping invoices and postage from my computer. I run an online shop, and send out printed tags and things with my orders. So, I could certainly use some free ink!
I would print coupons and directions.
I would buy CDs.
yay for giveaways! Thank you!
I forgot to mention that I would print Halloween prints for my frames!
I would buy office supplies, such as envelopes and labels!
Entered the rafflecopter form as "Wild Orchid"
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
I would print lots of coupons.
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
I would buy office supplies. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would buy Christmas Decorations!
I would print Birthday decorations for my son's party!
I'd buy a newly released DVD
Wanda McHenry
wbailey113 at hotmail dot com
I'd print recipes and coupons
Wanda McHenry
wbailey113 at hotmail dot com
I would buy some Christmas Stocking Stuffers
newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com
I would print some coupons for sure!
newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com
I would buy groceries.
I'd print coupons and fall pictures.
buy some winter clothes
print more coupons
I posted on my blog about this great giveaway!
I've added your button to my blog.
http://greatbloggiveaways.blogspot.com/ r. sidebar
there are so many things i could buy with the GC!
i would print coupons!
I would use it to help pay for prescriptions I get filled at Walmart
I would print coupons and documents.
I'd put the gift card towards Christmas, and I would definitely use the ink for printing coupons:)
I would buy my kids something if I won!
dalleykt at live dot ca
I would print lots of coupons!
I'd buy PJs : )
I'd print coupons, recipes and activity sheets for the kids.
Christmas presents
I print lots of coupons
GFC name is sonyamorris. sonyadmorris@gmail.com
I would buy diapers and wipes! Thank you! sonyadmorris@gmail.com
My girls print a bunch for school so it would be used for that! sonyadmorris@gmail.com
Christmas shopping!
emstclair {at} gmail {dot} com
I'd print picture of my kiddos!
emstclair {at} gmail {dot} com
I would use it for Christmas gifts.
ayed2016 at aol dot com
I would print worksheets for my kids
ayed2016 at aol dot com
I would buy groceries with it
I print coupons
Use it for the holiday meal - Thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
I would print coupons - thanks!
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
my kids christmas presents
more coupons to save money
Such giveaways give chances to win exciting prizes...wish i could participate in it......
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