SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Hell's Kitchen Season 10 Finale Part 1

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hell's Kitchen Season 10 Finale Part 1

Part one of two for the finale!!!

Ben and I were right. We called it weeks ago that the final two would be Christina and Justin!!!

That was nice that Ramsey gives them a day of pampering!! I want to ride on a private plane to Vegas!!!

They also got to meet with their families to eat lunch then they went to a show with Penn and Teller. I met Penn (He has family that lives in my town, and I got his autograph!!)

Penn and Teller showed how to do the saw a person trick, and of course the legs would be Ramsey!!

Ramsey then surprised Christina and Justin by telling them they need to cook five dishes for famous chefs.

The first two dishes go to Justin. Of course the 3rd and 4th have to go to Christina!!

Wolfgang Puck was the final judge and gets to decide who wins!! He picks Christina!!

Before they get back on the plane, they have to pick who they work with!!

Christina gets first pick. Her first pick is Dana. Shocker!!

Justin's first pick is Barbie. Wow.

Christina's team consists of Dana, Patrick, Kimmie, and Robyn. I never would have thought she would pick Robyn.

Justin's team is Barbie, Brian, Royce and Clemenza.

Christina really made her menu complicated. Justin's just sounds complicated. He is using fancy words!!

Justin and Clemenza are fighting right off the bat. Not a good sign!!

We shall see what happens next time!!! I would love to hear your predictions. Leave your picks name in the comments below. There may just be a prize!!!

1. Barbie Marshall TAKEN by Savannah
2. Brian Merel TAKEN by Katsrus
3. Briana Swanson TAKEN by Donna
4. Christina Wilson TAKEN by Shelley T
5. Chris Carrero
6. Clemenza Caserta
7. Dana Cohen
8. Danielle Rimmer
9. Don Savage TAKEN by Debbie
10. Guy Vaknin TAKEN by Rachel M
11. Justin Antiorio TAKEN by Kristin Gilbert
12. Kimmie Willis
13. Patrick Cassata TAKEN by Charity and John
14. Robyn Almodovar
15. Roshni Gurnani (from Boston!!)
16. Royce Wagner TAKEN by Wahm Connect Reviews & Giveaways
17. Tavon Hubbard
18. Tiffany Johnson

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Although I would love to win, I am actually rooting for Justin instead of Christine. But I would be happy with either.

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