As a service organization rather than a florist, Teleflora makes it easy to select beautiful florist-delivered products by investing in the most modern technology, seeking continuous innovation and improvement in services, and providing the best people in the business to ensure your confidence that your order will be placed easily and filled by a Teleflora florist quickly and professionally to your complete satisfaction.
I am a summer baby born in July, and of course being a girl I love flowers. (I don't get them enough though!!)
There is nothing that makes me happier on my birthday then getting a nice big bouquet of flowers. I worked for the Post Office for 5 years (each year on my birthday) and my Husband never sent me flowers (tear!) This year he did surprise me with a bouquet and it is still going strong almost three weeks later.
Teleflora has extremely beautiful summer bouquets. Take a look at my favorite, the Wondrous Wishes.

Featuring a wide, wondrous assortment of blooms in one bouquet, this colorful arrangement is always a favorite! Hydrangea, roses, lilies, alstroemeria, gerberas, daisies - they're all here in stunning variety.
Teleflora flowers are gorgeous and made with care. Teleflora guarantees your flowers will be what you expected and more!!
Why not get yourself a bouquet, or you can get me one!!!
This sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. I was compensated for my time investment and work on this campaign. Thoughts are my own
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