I have two Giveaway Hop Events planned for the summer.
July is Christmas in July. A hop all about my favorite Holiday!! Each participating blogger supplies a Holiday themed prize valued at no less then $25. Your prize could be anything that makes you think about the holidays, or a gift you would want to give or keep etc. Lot's of choices to be had!! To sign up for this event, please fill out this form-
The second hop is in August for Back To School. This was a very large event last year, drawing a ton of interest!! Again, each participating blogger supplies a prize at $25 or more. The prizes need to be school related. You can have things like Backpacks, Pens, Pencils, Clothes, Shoes etc. Any age range is great. Kindergarten through College etc. To sign up for this event, please fill out this form-
Linda's Angels and I have teamed up for our once a month Themed Flash Cash Giveaways!! Each month will be a different theme. Last month it was Pea Green With Envy. For June we are going to do I am a Super Hero!! The Avengers did OK in the theater (ha, ha!!) so we wanted to show our Super Hero Powers and offer cash!! $25 will be the starting amount to be given away. Everyone who signs up gets one free entry in the giveaway. You can buy additional entries (up to 2 more) for $1 each. All money collected goes in the pot for the winner. We will also have another top blogger prize, for whoever brings in the most entries. June's prize is an Avengers movie of your choosing (Iron Man (2), Captain America, Thor, Hulk) on DVD. To sign up for this event, please fill out this form-

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