SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: What Do You Think Of My Red Carpet Dress? #TheAvengersEvent

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What Do You Think Of My Red Carpet Dress? #TheAvengersEvent

Can I tell you a true fact about myself?? I HATE having my picture taken!!! In case you haven't noticed on here, it is extremely rare that I ever post a picture of myself. I love to take photos, but I do not want to be in them.

If you look through all of my past vacations with my family, I am always the one taking the photo!!  I think I get it from my Father.  He never ever had his picture taken when we were kids.  On the rare occasion that you did get to snap a shot, his face was always covered!!!

Who would do that??

So besides that fact that I need to loose about 1000 lbs, what do you think of the dress?

I always feel better in black formal wear.  It is supposed to be slimming!!!  I also love long dresses.  I hate, hate, hate my legs!!!  Yes, I know I complain A LOT!!!

We were told that we didn't have to dress extremely formal, but this is a red carpet event!!  How many times in your life can you walk the red carpet with boat loads of celebrities??  I also do not get to dress up much.  I work from home in flannel pants and t-shirts!!!

Now my biggest problem right now is shoes.  I am not a normal women with 300+ pairs of shoes.  I have always had four pairs.  Sneakers, Flip Flops, Simple Black Dress Shoes, and Slippers!!!  My Husband owns more shoes then me!!!

Originally I thought that we would interview the celebrities (Tom Hiddleston and Cobie Smulders) and have a break to change into our formal wear.  A couple days ago, we found out that we will be wearing our formal wear to the interviews, because the premiere is right after.  So that changes things a little as far as shoes go.  I want to wear something cute, but also comfortable since I will be in them longer then I thought I would be!!

Here are my three choices for shoes.  Which ones do you think will be the best for the event.  Note pair #1 will probably hurt my feet after awhile.  Pair #2 will hurt in between my toes at some point.  Pair #3 will be the most comfortable, but are they red carpet material??

Pair #1-

Pair #2-

Pair #3-

Which pair should I wear??  Please help!!


Simply Being Mommy said...

I think the dress looks great and either pair of shoes would work.

Unknown said...

Pair 1 is more appropriate, I think you should carry a bag with pair two in it because your feet are going to hurt later in the evening.

Unknown said...

PS take off that mask and try to be confident, if you feel beautiful, you will be beautiful. I love the dress, and don't forget that the average woman today is a size 14.

Darcy said...

Oh honey you do not need to lose 1000 lbs! I think pair #1 looks the best but #3 is hide in my purse for later ;)

Not So Average Mama said...

I like your dress!!!!

Sara Lehman said...

Pair 1 definitely!
I love your dress! You look lovely, now take off that mask, you certainly don't need it :)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

You look fantastic! I love your dress!And I vote pair #1

Alicia said...

Love the black gown! Gorgeous! You have to go with option #1 for shoes! It is the only one that truly fits! We'll be sitting mostly, right? :) See ya soon!

Amethystmoon said...

love the dress! It looks great! and definitely shoes #1! Have fun!

Unknown said...

my vote is for #1. Can your sleeves look a little long, that is the only thing that I would change. Other than that I think that you look great. Make up and hair will add to your look. I can't wait to see your pictures of you all dolled up, I'm sure you are going to look fantastic.

Literary Winner said...

I love your dress and the mask cracks me up. I vote for pair #2 and am sure you will have an awesome time no matter what you wear!

Anonymous said...

You SO DO NOT need to lose 1000 pounds! We are all so hard on ourselves. The dress is gorgeous and I am with Darcy - love #1 and keep #3 with you in case. Have fun!

Becky L said...

I love the dress! If I were to recommend anything it would be to have the sleeves shortened. I'm probably heavier than you, and a 3/4 length always look flattering. The shoes I would go with #1. Lose the mask and...have a great time!

Lori Popkewitz Alper @ Groovy Green Livin said...

The dress is gorgeous and you look beautiful. Loose the mask! Go with #1 for shoes-they are perfect. I like the suggestion to bring an extra pair of comfy shoes along. You will be a star. Have a ball. Found you through BPB.

Karen Hartzell said...

Dress is gorgeous! You look great. I would def go with pair #1, and def add a pair of flip flops in your bag for after. Even a more flat pair that #3 if you have them and are used to wearing them. It will be worth it. Have a great time! is too short to not take pics with your kids. Get out from behind the camera a little at a time and check out Mommy and Me Monday that I do on my blog. It's fun and allows me to be proud of being in pics with my kids having a blast no matter what size I am. Hugs!

Mama Luvs Books said...

Pair 1 if you can last all night in them!! You look great! LOVE the dress!

NurseMomKhaos said...

The dress in great and I think pair 1 of shoes would be perfect and dressy - as long as you arent walking a LOT (if so, sneak pair 2 in your purse for later) lol

capability said...

Great dress, Shoe number one even though they will kill your feet. Get those little flats in a bag (I've seen them everywhere...Marshall's, TJ Maxx) and switch into them later.

Have fun! My family wants to see this movie - let us know how it is!

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