SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Otherworld Tales-Irish The Demon Slayer Book Review

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Otherworld Tales-Irish The Demon Slayer Book Review

In this action-adventure-fantasy, 12-year-old Pete (Irish) Kehoe thinks he's an ordinary kid-until trees start talking to him and an old woman tells him he's chosen to defend the mystical Otherworld against the King of Demons. "No way!" he says, until a demon kidnaps his kid sister, Kathy. Then Irish and his two friends, Streak and Huff, time-hop to this besieged world of Celtic mythology to rescue her. But . . . are they ready to deal with a shape-shifter, a death fog, demon warriors, killer earthquakes and vicious flesh-eating wulgoars to save her? Can Irish's ancestor, the ancient Celtic warrior hero Cuchulain, or the talking trees, help the boys triumph over evil?

About the Author

Born and raised in San Francisco, Charles spent his boyhood summers wandering the hills, creeks and forests of northern California with his two best friends, sharing adventures that shaped some of the activities in Irish the Demon Slayer. After graduating from the University of California in Berkeley he joined the Bay Area technology explosion, a choice that helped him support and raise a family of six boys and three girls. With his family grown, he left Silicon Valley in 2001 to forge a career in creative writing. Charles and his wife enjoy life in Northern California.

I love to read, and I find some great books in a variety of genres!!

This is a young adult novel, but written so well, that all ages will enjoy it.

Irish and his two friends are part of the CDB (Cool Dirt Bikers Club) 

They love to explore and do tricks!!  One day as they are riding around, Irish hears a voice and can't figure out what it is.  He also sees a weird snake.  He tells his friends, and they inform him that there is a witch that moved in to the neighbor hood and maybe she has something to do with the strange things happening.

The boys set out to find the witch, and when they do, they find a whole world of trouble!!!

Irish is told that he has warrior blood in him, and he is the chosen one to come to the Otherworld and save them from the evil Abaddon.

Along the way the boys meet some great characters, and have some interesting problems!!

If you like mystical adventure books, you will love this one!!

Charles writing style is very unique, and entertaining.

I really liked this book, and my Husband is reading it now!!!

**All opinions expressed are 100% my own.  I was not compensated for this post.  I was given a copy of the book to review**

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