Tuesday, September 20, 2011

8 Years!!!

8 years ago today, I said I do to my soul mate!!

We met at the Olive Garden where we both worked. I had seen him a couple times at work, but never had a chance to talk to him. Finally one night while I was working, he came in to get take out.

It was love at first site (for me anyway!!!) I actually turned to my co-worker and said "That's the man I am going to marry!!" She looked at me funny and said "Yeah sure!!"

Three days later, I borrowed a pen from him, and when I returned it, I had put my phone number in the pens clip.

We went on our first date two days after that, and have been together ever sense. He actually proposed to me at the Olive Garden 9 months later!!!

We have had our share of ups and downs (including a life threatening car accident, major family issues, and fights,) but we are still very much in love. More now then ever.

He is my heart, my soul, my pillow, and blanket!!!

I could not imagine my life without him.

I love you Ben!!!!


katsrus said...

Congrats. May you have many happy years together.
Sue B

Jackie said...

Happy Anniversary! What a nice story of how you met!

Michele said...

What a wonderful story! Happy Anniversary!

Painless Traffic said...

Nice story and like to read.Thanks for sharing!!

Commission Streamer said...

Happy couple! Be happy always

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