SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: Monday Meet And Greet- Happenings Of The Harper Household

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Meet And Greet- Happenings Of The Harper Household

Happenings of the Harper Household

Name: Danielle Harper

Blog URL:

Where can we find you?

Facebook -

Twitter -

E-mail - HappeningsoftheHH at gmail dot com

Tell us a little about you... Let's see..... well I am a SAHM, but prior to that I was a bank teller attending college part time as an English major. Now please don't get on me about the fact that I don't follow proper grammar rules in my blog posts. I write like I talk - and I don't talk right - bahahahaha. My family always makes fun of me for this - but I can bust out an A paper like no one's business! Like I said, I'm a SAHM to two beautiful little girls - Dilly & Sugar and wife to an amazing man. And we have decided to try for #3! I am a cloth diapering, breastfeeding, baby wearing mama so you will see lots of reviews and giveaways for products related to those things plus lots more.
Tell us 5 of your favorite things, and five of your least favorite...

Favorites: Cloth Diapers, The Twilight Movies, Geocaching, Tattoos, and Crab Legs

Least Favorites: Drama, Most cooked vegetables, Sarah Jessica Parker, Snow, and Scales

What are your favorite blogs to read?

Pretty All True -

Three Times The Fun -

Motherhood, WTF? -

What do you blog about? I blog about my life and my girls which leads to lots of posts about cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and baby wearing. I also like to blog about any other products that fit our lifestyle.... especially green products! It will be interesting to see how my blog evolves as my girls grow up - but I don't want to think about that right now... they grow up too fast as it is.

When and why did you start blogging? A year ago!! I celebrated my one year blogiversary on August 6th. I originally started blogging to share our day to day activities with friends and family, but I soon noticed I was mentioning products. For example I talked about the baby food cookbook I used to make Sugar's baby food and I decided to try out the review/giveaway world.

How did you decide on your blog name? When I first started blogging it was just to share our day to day life with family and friends and I'm a big fan of alliteration - yes I was an English major, hehe - so I started thinking of words that started with H like our last name. Soon "Happenings of the Harper Household" was born!

When do you find time to blog? Usually after the kiddos are in bed for the night which is 8:30 PM. I am blessed to have two little girls that lay down and go to sleep without a fight. I really hope this continues because I enjoy my me time which could really be called blogging time!

What does your family think of your blog, do they read it? My hubby reads it when his facebook updates him to the fact that I wrote a new post and he likes that I get all sorts of new awesome products to try out - though he would like it more if these products were golf clubs or Xbox 360 games! My mom enjoys reading my blog and checking out the pictures I post of the girls. Every time she sees something new around our house the first thing out of her mouth is "so is that a review item too?" Hehe!!

What is your favorite blog post? The Worst Gift Ever -

What is your favorite review item you have ever reviewed? Zooper Tango -

What advice would you give to a new blogger? Blog about what you like and what you enjoy writing about. Don't worry about offending someone because there is always going to be someone who doesn't agree with you. Write from the heart!

What brand would you LOVE to work with? Kolcraft - I want to be a Kolcraft Mom sooooo bad!!

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