Natalie and Ashley need to watch their backs. I wouldn't go advertising that "We are the last girls standing!"
What does Andrea expect? Of course Matt is going to be mad at her, and Ralph and Mike as well.
Ralph was very quick at that puzzle!!
Mike did really well with the word puzzle. Matt and Andrea right behind him. Poor Ralph. I really liked him!!
What is Phillip talking about?? He's gone crazy again telling the girls they should give more of their rations to Grant.
Why do the girls feed into his stupidity?? They need to ignore him!!
I don't understand why Rob is surprised about Ashley plotting to save herself. What other options does she have??
This challenge with hooks, and one arm, looks like fun!!
Ashley did really well in this challenge, which of course ticked off Rob and Grant!!
Wow that food that the girls got looked really good!!
Eww, why was Ashley sniffing Natalie's arm pit??
I have no clue who is being blindsided tonight. It could be any one of them!!
Oh poor Grant. He was not expecting that at all!!
I really don't think I would agree with that move. I would have said goodbye to Natalie first.
It will be interesting to see what happens with Redemption Island, and who comes back in this game.
So on that note, I need to say goodbye to Debs Desk. Thank you for playing!!
Stay tuned for the finale this Sunday night!!!
Ashley Underwood KELLY'S LUCKY YOU
Grant Mattos TARA
Natalie Tenerelli TERRY
Phillip Sheppard
Rob Mariano SHELLEY T
1 comment:
Hey Sarah,
This is a fun blog and I am your new follower No. 1779!!! Meandering by with my Alexa toolbar and wishing you well and will be trying to emulate your great Google PR and Alexa score and dreaming of that day. Continue with the fun and swing by my place sometime. :)
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