SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: I Hope This Works!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Hope This Works!!

In case you didn't notice (I hope you did) I haven't posted in days!!

Thursday Blogger had some issues, and they extended into Friday.

I tried all day to get on, and Blogger would let me into my blog, but would not let me post.

Yesterday after work, I tried again, and still could not post.

I am hoping this works, and you can all see this.

If you do, please comment below so I know I am back online and can get some great posts up!!!

Thank you for being patient!!!!


humanecats said...

You're up and running!! Missed you.

humanecats at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I can see it too! Welcome Back!

Connie Black said...

Yay.....glad to see you are back

Unknown said...

YEP! It came in my email sub.
If you lost any posts, here's how I found mine:

J. 76 said...

Yep, I can see you! :-)


debbie said...

I was just wondering, did you get a notice to type in your phone number? I am wondering if this was a hack into google.

katsrus said...

I was having problems with them too. Glad it's fixed.
Sue b

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