As children, James Hamilton, Lord Abercorn asked for the hand of Louisa, daughter of the duke of Bedford. Though she refused him, Abercorn never loses hope of marrying her, despite her later vow never to wed or bear children. As she grows more beautiful, Louisa earns the admiration of men and the envy of her insecure sister, Georgy. When Georgy's irresponsible behavior embroils the entire family in scandal, Louisa is forced to marry the handsome Abercorn, setting them up for a turbulent journey toward regaining trust and, inevitably, falling in love.
I love the Romance Books set back in time. Especially the ones in the 1800's.
The time is soooo much different then now. I love the way the women dress, and how the men are truly gentleman.
This book starts out a little confusing. You read about how a lady is talking to her grand kids, and great grand kids about times past and dodging the question about how many lovers she has had!!
Then it flashes back to when a little 7 year old girls meets a 9 year old Irish boy who asks her to marry him!!
She politely tells him that she will never marry, especially him!!
Then we flash forward again to when the kids are now in their 20's.
The whole beginning was confusing, but once you read the whole book, it becomes very clear.
The story is all about Lady Louisa and her dreams of becoming an actress/singer/dancer. Because she is a lady she knows that will never happen, but she can still dream can't she!!
James Hamilton is an Irish heir who has always had his heart set on marrying Louisa. He just needs to convince her!!!
After some interesting games, and major problems, Louisa and James find themselves in a tough predicament with only one way to solve it. They have to get married!!!
Neither is happy about being forced into this, but they have no choice.
I love the plot behind the forced marriage, and what happens after they are Husband and Wife.
The end of the book was soooooooooooooooo emotional that I cried buckets. I wasn't expecting it, and I still get teary eyed thinking about it.
I highly recommend reading this book if you want a true love story that will pull your heart strings.
* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I bought a copy of the book listed above for my review*
* All opinions expressed are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post. I bought a copy of the book listed above for my review*
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