SARAH'S BLOG OF FUN: I Am Flying Away!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Am Flying Away!!!

Come fly with me, lets fly fly away!!!

Yeah, as of 4pm this afternoon, Hubby, Kids and I are on Vacation!!!

We leave tomorrow afternoon for Orlando. Then we head to Miami for our Carribean Cruise!!

We get off the boat, and then hit Disney World for two days!!!

I am very excited!!!

I have been trying to play catch up this past week, so I am not too far behind on my blog posts when I get back.

I am bringing the lap top (can't leave home without it!!) but I don't know how much posting I will be able to do. (Sorry!!)

So please do not forget about me. I promise I will be back (Tuesday November 16th to be exact!!)

Have a great week all!!!


scottsgal said...

Sarah have a great vacation! Hope you post pics when you return.

Kel said...

Have fun on your vacation! We will be at Disney too!

katsrus said...

Have a wonderful time on your vacation.
Sue B

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