Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Congratulations to Ashley Stone who won last week!!

OK if you have been reading my blog for even a week, you should know that I LOVE TWILIGHT and of course EDWARD!!

Now with all my favorite Reality shows off air for the moment, I figured it would be fun to have another Trivia Game.

Now what better then a Twilight Trivia Game??

I am going to make the rules really simple.

The first person to answer all five questions correctly, WINS!!!

I am using questions from a game that I bought, and also from the books and movies.
Some questions will be easy, some will be really hard!!!

Each Tuesday, I will have 5 new questions. Again who ever answers them all correctly first wins.

Now what do you win, you ask??

Ummmmm......... how about $2 a week, and then I will randomly (using pick a winner at the end of the game, to get a bigger prize.

I don't know what that prize will be yet, but I will let you know.

We will play the Trivia every Tuesday until September 14th. One month of Twilight fun!!

So here are this weeks questions. Good luck!!

1. In Eclipse (book), about how many carats is the heart charm Edward gives Bella??

2. What was the last thing Jacob said to Bella in Eclipse (book)??

3. What is the make and model of the safe car Edward buys Bella after her truck dies in Breaking Dawn??

4. Name three vampire covens that come to help the Cullens in Breaking Dawn.

5. Name each one of the wolves in Breaking Dawn.

Please make sure that your email address is included in your comment. I have to let you know if you won or not!!!

Good luck and thanks for playing!!

1 comment:

Ashley Stone said...

1. In Eclipse (book), about how many carats is the heart charm Edward gives Bella??

Five carats

2. What was the last thing Jacob said to Bella in Eclipse (book)??

"Love you more."

3. What is the make and model of the safe car Edward buys Bella after her truck dies in Breaking Dawn??

Mercedes Guardian

4. Name three vampire covens that come to help the Cullens in Breaking Dawn.

The Amazon Coven, The Denali Coven, and the Egyptian Coven.

5. Name each one of the wolves in Breaking Dawn.

Jacob, Sam, Quil, Jared, Embry, Seth, Leah, Paul, Brady, Collin... I don't think they ever name the other 7 at the end.

: )

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